Team seven appears!

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Before you say you know me, you need to be informed that I don't even know myself

~Nobodys P.O.V.~

It was a beautiful morning in Konoha, this time, you could see exited kids running from one place to another and proud parents walking besides them

One week ago, the new generation of genin was nominated and today was finally the day were they would meet their team they would go on missions with

However, someone was not that exited, in fact he was cursing silently that he would have to do D-rank missions a long while

Our little blonde protagonist was already in the academy since his personal alarm (I bet you know the furball) woke him up 'accidentally' 5 hour earlier and he didn't feel like training today

"I wonder who the other member of my team will be" he whispered while looking at the window, his seat was supposed to be the next one but since he arrived way to early he just sat next to the window in the back of the classroom

"i hope is someone nice" a little voice whispered, it was a blue bird that was sitting in the window

"And I hope you're right Tengoku" he answered, since it was early it didn't mattered that his friends came to the academy to visit him

"I just hope is someone who doesn't weight to much" another voice whispered, this time it was a little flower that seemed to grow out of the table

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone walk over you Kaika" the blonde replied with a sincere smile, he loved talking to them

"If you don't like 'em, tell me I'll make sure they don't bother you again" another strong voice added, it was a spider that was casually sitting next to the bird

"I wish I could do that Dokuro" he sighed "we can't kill anyone remember?" He said in his soft tone, glad that his friends were there helping him to kill some time

"No one will ever know it was me" the spider said in a teasy tone and the blonde chuckled

"I'll have that in mind" the sunshine boy replied with a smile


Everyone was arriving and going to their sits, the blondes friends were already gone except for the little bird who fell asleep in the blondes hair somewhere in the conversation

"Okay everyone go to your seats" Iruka said while gestured the kids to go to sit down

"As you know today we'll be telling you your teams, but I don't want complaining since the one who assigned them was Hokage-sama, understood?" Iruka asked

"Hai!" the class replied excitedly

He started telling the teams (wich are the same that in the series) until he arrived to team seven

"Okay so team seven, Haruno Sakura"
He started and slowly registered the classroom

"Uchiha Sasuke" he continued

'Oh no'

"HA TAKE THAT INO-PIG!" the banshee interrupted  and Sasuke mentally rolled his eyes, out of all persons, why him?

Iruka cleared his throat "and Uzumaki Naruto" he finished

Everyone eyes widened In shock

"but that loser didn't even pass" Kiba said and Iruka looked at him, with a serious expression

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