Chapter 05: Visitors

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(Makii's POV)

I woke up with Varoe's foot in my face and Mina's arm on my stomach.

From the windows I could tell it was still night.

'I need to pee...'

I shoved Varoe's foot away, as gently as I could regarding that someone had her foot on my face.

And then I place Mina's arm on her own stomach.

'They both sleep like stones.'

While I rubbed my neck from the strain of sleeping next to two dancing stones, I heard the slight breeze which made its way through the balcony and two familiar voices.

"Now is the only time to talk", P-love said.

Out of instinct I hid behind the kitchen counter which was the perfect place to listen while being invisible to them.

'I feel like I would ruin their conversation chance if I pass by now... it is weird to see these two talk without really having any hidden meaning behind their sentences or expressions.'

"I am pretty curious now, what could it be that the old hag could ask from the amazing me?", I heard Minho's voice as he teased P-love.

"Drop your charming manners for a while. Even I can't know everything that is going through that head of yours. Especially when you mentioned your brother just now", weirdly her voice was different than usual.

Less elegant, less friendly but more serious and uneasy?

I wasn't really sure.

'How can it be that you are like that with him but play happy-go-lucky around us?'

Unconsciously I clenched my fists only to realized something furry grazing my hands.


He had a tired expression on his face, rolling to the side and I saw how he was about to meow.

'No! You are going to leak our presence!'

"Did you hear that?", P-love asked.

"It's just Will, he does that a lot around night-time", thank goodness Minho is a more laid-back cat owner.

I grabbed Will and gave him a glare.

'We are partners in crime. Don't ditch me.'

He just cocked his head and jumped away from me to sit on my lap.

"Tell me what did happen that you made Makii cry?", huh why is she mentioning me?

"Me? Making that second-rate rookie cry? I don't clearly remember why I would make her cry. Do you mean around dance practice? That is not my fault if she doesn't improve."


"That goes for you as well, since you didn't get any better since last year", I could hear a chuckle.

"Why aren't honest when I am at the moment?"

"But I am, I really don't remember. I don't even know why she told you something like that..."

"Don't get self-conscious now little brother. She didn't tell me anything. And because of that I need to dig the dirt up myself. But if you really don't remember...", for the first time P-love sounded very unsure about something.

'Wait, is she referring to- no it can't be, nobody was around at that time.'

"Then let me ask you next- "

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