Chapter Fifteen - Dreaming of Castles

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Karenbana didn't speak much after that, even hours later when night had fallen, and we had set up a small campfire in the forest. We hadn't set up a tent either, the sky was clear, and the temperature was still warm. I made sure we still had a line of sight on the castle just in case.

It was almost midnight when I finally pulled my shit together and did what I should have hours ago.

"Karenbana," I smiled, "Sorry, I'm an asshole."

Karenbana snorted.

"Idiot," Karenbana said quietly.

"I'll make it up to you," I promised.

I smirked in the dark.

"I can see you waggling your eyebrows," Karenbana said, amused. "Idiot."

Damn, her night vision was better than I thought.

"Tomorrow, we will be going into the belly of the beast, so to speak," I grinned like a shark, "So I'll finally be revealing the dreaded secret of the inventory and its dark power."

Karenbana just sighed.

"You want something in exchange again, don't you?" Karenbana said dryly.

"I'll take another secret of yours or a favor." I said easily, "You get to choose, but I won't be revealing anything more until you hold up your end."

I held out my hand in front of me, and I assumed she was looking at it. I mentally opened my inventory, and a fish suddenly appear in my hand without warning, still flopping around in panic.

"What the fuck?" Karenbana said, alarmed. "Where did that come from?"

I started laughing.

"Is there a storage scroll in your sleeve?" Karenbana demanded, grabbing me by the wrist.

I placed the fish back into my inventory without a word and smirked at her again. Karenbana pulled my sleeve up to study my wrist in the dark.

"Nothing," Karenbana muttered, twisting my arm around. "How?"

"I can store things inside a subspace." I said confidently, "There doesn't seem to be a limit to how much I can store in it, but I have to at least be able to pick the item up physically for it to go inside."

Karenbana stared at me in the dark.

"My plan is thus, we walk in the front doors of the fake castle, find the scroll and put it in my inventory." I said easily, "That should cut its connection to the summon animal, which will dispel it, and then we will have exactly one Chameleon Summoning Contract, which is probably worth a lot."

I assumed she was impressed by how amazing I was, but if she thought that was cool, she was going to love what I had figured out by accident the other day. I reached out with my still trapped arm and grabbed the front of her shirt before inventorying it silently.

I grinned at her in the dark, unable to see much of anything.

"Nice tits, idiot." I snickered.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of you now," Karenbana said evenly.

"You dare challenge me?" I said bravely, "You could have at least put a shirt on first."

Karenbana did indeed beat the shit out of me, but at least she wasn't moping anymore.


We approached the fake-castle at daylight, and it lit up to my senses like a sun.

This thing was gigantic, I don't think I've ever seen a creature this large before, it was kind of terrifying in a way. Lizards were kind of cute, though, so I swallowed my fear and moved up to the front gate and felt around it more thoroughly with my Energy Sense.

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