Chapter 17

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*New Years Eve*


*Izzy's POV*

The girls and I had just come back from the mall after getting all of our nye outfits and we were DEFINETLY going to look better than we usually do. Our group always seemed to go all out for new years so it wasn't a new thing. The boys were over at Mattia's and us girls were watching them play soccer in Mattia's backyard. We always came to support their games when soccer season started but for since it would only start again once we went back to school. Kairi and Alvaro were both tackling each other for the ball until Kairi finally possessed the ball but before he could dribble it away, he slipped and fell face first onto the ground. That made us all scream with laughter. We watched the boys play until 4pm and headed inside to go eat something and get ready for the party. These type of parties, special events, always took us longer to get ready but we ALWAYS looked bomb when we were done.

"Bro, I can't fucking wait for tonight !" Ash shouted excitedly from the shower as the rest of us were in my room on our phones waiting for her so we could go shower. 

Hayley and Caro were going to be coming in the next two hours since they lived further away from the rest of us. It was just the four of us, like it used to be, not that I'm complaining at all, I adore Caro and Hayley. 

"OMG same !" Liv replied back, matching the same energy.

Ava and I agreed and after another 45 minutes we had all showered and were either doing our hair or makeup by my vanity. I went with a light nude eye with a slight inner corner bling and I straightened my hair even more so that it was dead-straight. Ava curled her hair and brushed it so that she had Hollywood waves and she did a smokey black and red eye. Ash Put her hair in a sleek high pony with a rose gold eye. Finally Liv had curled her hair to the max so it bounced every time she moved with a deep purple eye with a champagne inner corner highlight. We all applied gloss, we didn't really like wearing lipstick to parties so we always just stuck to gloss. As we got dressed, Liv put on our favorite playlist. It was our 2019 playlist and it had all of our favorite songs on it. I couldn't wait for 2020 and to be spending tonight with the most important people in my life.

Liv wore :

Ash wore : 

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Ash wore : 

Ash wore : 

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