Chapter IV

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"HYBRISTOPHILIA: an attraction towards extremly violent criminals or a person who has committed some gruesome act".


She saw Aven. He was standing there,his right hand was holding Kento's severed  head . He had blood on his face,he smiled and looked at Sora while his tongue slowly licked off the blood near his lips.

Sora woke up,her heart throbbed "Just a dream Sora. Just a dream"She comforted herself.


"Did you went to the date?" Ran asked.


Aven walked into the class.Everyone turned around and looked at Sora.

She gestured her hands for a 'What' to them.

Somehow the fact that he asked her out was yesterday's epic gossip that spread like wildfire.

Aven went to his seat and sat quietly.

It was the 3rd period, the teacher came,he made a announcement
"Students am very sad to say this but your classmate Kento Akirama and Lika Ito died in a accident,so after this period classes will be off".

Everyone was shock,some started crying. Sora looked at Aven petrified.She hated him,she wanted to stand up and with every fibre in her body shout and  say that he was the one that killed them but then again  there was no proof.

Ran was busy with her cellphone,Nanami was having conversation with Shin while Sora was sleeping as the teacher left the class and everyone was just waiting for the bell to ring so that they can go home or to the deceased funeral.

Someone tapped Sora shoulder, she turned to see who it was.

"Ayumu Aven leave me alone " she whinned.

"Sora can we talk.."

"Leave her alone Ayumu" Yasu warned. Ume nodded giving Aven a very stern look.

Sora was surprised,Yasu and Ume never even talked to her and now they were standing up for her?.

"Or what goldilocks?"Aven replied.

"Or I'll sent you right back where you..."


The bell rang before he could complete his sentence.Sora collected her books and bag "I am out of here".


"Sis I am ho.."

"Don't worry she is just sleeping" Aven said while pointing at Cami who lay unconscious on their sofa.

"What are you doing here,What have you done to Cami?".

"Trust me she is just sleeping. Sora I won't hurt you or you family".

"I know you killed Kento and Lika,I know you are not human so if you are going to kill me do it fast!!"

"Sora I am a ...demon and yes I killed Kento but not Lika...Kento killed her".

Somehow Sora belived him.

She lowered her voice "did you behead him?".

"Yes" .

"Why such an gruesome act?".

"Because.... its fun" he grinned.

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