Chapter X

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Sora went to class,Aven was gone.She called him there was no answer.She knew she did'nt need to explain to him but it also felt wrong not to.

--- The class was over.

Sora and Ran were walking out..Dylan was waving at them.

Sora squinted her eyes "is he waving at us?".

She saw Shin and Nanami giggling.

"Oh shit! They told him. Ran lets turn back please".

"No,and he is already walking over here".

Dylan came near them "Hi,I am Dylan".

Sora blushed, her face turning red.while Ran introduced herself to him.

"Emm..Sora hi".He waved at her again in a teasing way.

Sora was at a point of melting away
that she did'nt even replied.

"Sora am not going to bite you" he chuckled.

"Ye--ah I k-now" She replied in a low voice.

"Am going to to the New seafood resturant, will you come?".

"Go Sora go"Ran whispered.

Sora nodded her head.

They waved Ran goodbye,Sora got inside Dylan's car and sat nervously.

"Are you comfortable?"He asked.

Sora nodded her head.

"Haha you are so shy"He chuckled.

Sora smiled,she had this huge crush on this guy for two years,now she was sitting in his car.But after that they had an awkward silent drive.

They reached the resturant,Dylan ordered the chef's choice.

"I don't see you much at school"he smiled.

"Probably because I don't take part in activities" Sora replied,she was kind of embrassesed because Dylan was an all-rounder.

"You should" he asserted,which made her more uncomfortable.She was beginning to think her whole crush was pointless,they had nothing in common.The whole meal they had small awkward talks.

After it was over,they got back into the car ,he drove her till her house then he paused for a while, turned around her and kissed her. It was just for a second.Sora was shocked "Sen-pai".

"I always admired you Sora and when Shin told me you liked me,I was so happy"He smiled.

"And I know the date today was weird but I like just being near you".

Sora felt butterflies in her stomach,she wanted to scream in a fangirl mode but she could'nt even say anything.

He leaned near her, stroke her hair and kissed her again passionately,his tongue touching hers.Sora did not knew much about the tongue play,but Dylan knew what he was doing.His hands slowly lowered near her breast..

Just then Aven tapped the car "Sora, Cami is calling for dinner" he gave a cheeky smile.

Sora was embrassed ,she step outside of the car.Dylan licked his lips and run his hands through his brown hair. "I will meet you tomorrow" he waved at her and drove off.

Sora jumped like a excited fangirl


"He is not even that good looking" Aven twitched.

"He is so cute"Sora clapped.

"He tried to go second base on a first date".

"You were watching that?" She gave a stern look.

Actually he was stalking her the whole day but he replied "yeah I saw it now".

"And I was just lying,Cami did'nt call for dinner,bye I have to go".He put his hands in his overcoat pockets and walked away


"For a demon he is pretty honest" Sora smiled.

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