Chapter VIII

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It was an off day,Sora was lazying around her bed.

*cellphone rings*

" Hello" Sora lazily answered.

"Sora come to my house,I got so-mething to tell y-ou" Nanami stuttered.

"Will be there after 20 mins'.

'Such a boring day" Sora groaned as she got ready to go to Nanami's house.


"Sora you came fast!" Nanami said in excitment.

"Yeah yeah " Sora answered in a bored voice,while making herself comfortable in Nanami family's room sofa.

"Lets go to my room".

Sora lazily agreed .

Sora laid down on Nanami's bed "What did you want to say?".

"Ummmm Sora this may come as a shock to you ....but...I am in a relationship with Shin" Nanami blushed.

"What!How!Shin?" Sora's boredom now gone.

Nanami laid down next to Sora "It
just kind of happened,he makes me laugh,feel good about myself " She smiled while tightly hugging a teddy bear.

"And how about you and Aven?" Nanami asked .

"Ugh Nothing.I will never date him,beside I still like Dylan"  Sora blushed.

"Oh yeah your crush,oooohhh forgot to tell you, Senpai Dylan brokeup with his girlfriend a week back" ofcourse the "Gossip queen' will know that.

"Really?YES!" Sora screamed in excitment.

*Doorbell rings* .

They went to check it.It was Shin and Yasu.

"You! Why are you everywhere?" Yasu pointed at Sora.

"This is my friend home" Sora frowned.

"You guys sit down,Shin and I will make something" Nanami said pulling Shin to the kitchen.

"I hope its not babies" Yasu chuckled.

"I am tired of seeing your face Sora Mas" Yasu groaned while both sitting at the same sofa.

"So am I" Sora hit back.

"Oh wait there is something ugly on your head" He pointed curiously on her face.

"Oh wait! Its just your face" He grinned.

"Someone should take your angel license" Sora yelled.

Yasu smacked her head "Shut up".

" Ouch that hurts" Sora rubbed her head.

Yasu felt concerned and he started rubbing her head.

Sora was abit shock,she smiled "Thank you".

Yasu blushed lightly,he stopped rubbing and lightly pushed Sora's head "Your hair stinks,wash it sometimes!" He said giving a disgusted look.

"Here's soup and fried mushroom with chicken" Nanami presented.

Yasu started eating it while Shin and Nanami were getting all mushy.

"Get a room!"Yasu ushered them with his mouth full.

"Sora stay with Yasu once,Shin and I have to talk something" Nanami excitedly told Sora,while She and Shin headed to her room.

"Yasu why did you come? You don't look like someone who wants to be a third wheel?".

"Sora Masu can't you see am eating? Can you talk later! Besides Shin's mom trust me alot, thats why she allowed him to come here,he has a strict mom" He answered.

Sora smiled it was good to know that atleast he cared about Shin.

Sora waited for Yasu to finish the food. Then she hesistantly asked "Yasu how is heaven?".

For the first time he gave a geniune smile "I have'nt been there yet".

"But are'nt you an angel?".

"Yup but angels on earth are born through humans, and from the beginning we know our duties but we can go to heaven only when we get our wings. And we get our wings only when the time has come".

*Yasu phone rings*

"And Shin mom is calling.SHIN TIME TO GO!" He yelled.


'Senpai' in japanese means 'senior' .

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