Chapter VI

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"Aven is looking very happy these days  are you secretly dating him Sora? " Ran folded her arms as they walked along the halls of the school.

Just then Sora collided with Ume causing Ume books to fall down,Sora kneeled down to pick them up.She saw alot of love letters among them

"Wooaaa you got alot admires"Sora smiled while handing them to Ume.

Ume snatched the letters "you would too get them  if you were not so ugly".

Sora gasped "Gee! for a angel you are pretty mean".

"What did you say?" Ume gave a stern look.

"Hey pipsqueak go to class" Ume instructed Ran.

Ran terrified, ran to their class.

Then Ume turned to Sora "what did you say Sora Masu?".


"You said angel,what did you meant by angel?".

"Err..Angel to keep a check on de--m-ons".

"Arrggh that no good of a Bloody Demon Ayumu,He told a human !".

Ume took a deep breath "you better not blabber this to anyone Sora Masu or I 'll errr.." she stormed off.

Sora was stunned "I thought angel were suppossed to be nice".

Sora walked into the class,Ume and Yasu were giving her bold looks.

While Aven was waving at her cheerfully.

"Some angels and demon" she thought.

"Whats going on with you?you look stress? ".Nanami asked trying to get answers from Sora maybe to add it to her gossip book.

"Did Ume hurt you?" Ran asked while curiously checking Sora face for marks.

Sora shook her head for a "no".

Aven walked towards Sora's side and stood behind her. "So--ra"he smiled.

"Ayumu get away from her!" Yasu shouted from his seat leading to the whole class to stare at him and then to Aven.

"Mind your own business goldilocks" Ayumu smirked.

Yasu came near to Aven "I am minding my own business you jerk".

"Whats going on? Why are they fighting over you?" Ran whispered to Sora.

"You see I owe Aven money so he is bothering me.And I gave money to Yasu to keep Aven away from me". Sora grinned,feeling good about the clever answer she gave ignoring Yasu and Aven who were staring at each other.

The teacher came,so Yasu and Aven both headed back to their seats.---

It was break time..Sora,Nanami and Ran were having lunch, sitting at their usual place at the lunch hall ,just then Aven came and sat beside Sora. Ran and Nanami looked in shock and added to that Yasu came sat to the other side of Sora and Ume sat next to Yasu.

"Hey you two can you seat somewhere else" Yasu directed to Nanami and Ran.

Nanami huffed "hmmph" she stood up and walked away, Ran followed.

Sora bowed her head and slowly kept eating.

"Why are you after her Aven?".Yasu questioned.

"She is my friend".

"Demons don't have friends, whats your deal here? " Yasu raised his eyebrows while pointing a fork at Aven.

"Maybe I am a different demon".

"If you hurt her,Ume and I will hunt you down". Yasu warned.

"Yeah yeah"Sora laughed.

The three of them stared at her, she bowed down her head and started eating .-----

The class was over,Ran left without waiting for Sora.

"Maybe Ran and Nanami are pissed with me,aahh life is complicated".Sora whinned.

"Sora let me carry your bag"Aven offered.

"No,stop following me".

"Yeah! Stop following her" It was Yasu.

"Not you guys again" Sora frowned.

"I am walking Sora home" Aven proudly replied.

"So shall we" Ume added.

Sora did not speak,she just walked in despair,while Ume and Yasu walked like they owned the road.

While Aven pulled his cellphone out of his blazer pocket and put on the earphones and started moonwalking on the road.

"Ayumu you are an embrassment!" Yasu shouted.

Aven smiled and gestured his hands for a 'can't hear you'.

They reached Sora's home.Sora looked at them "None of you are invited in" She warned them.

"We don't even want to step inside your shabby home" Yasu remarked.

"Its not shabby! Its actually very cute" Aven defended.

"Aaahhhhh" Sora stormed off inside her home and closed the doors .

"Sis whatever you do,don't invite those three inside okay,they are playing a bet".

Cami nodded.


"I am not leaving,hope you know that" Aven grinned.

"We are not leaving as long as you don't" Yasu hit back.

They both stood firmly showcasing their stubborness.While Ume was doing some homework on the ground.


It was passed three hours,Sora looked out from the window, she could still see Aven and Yasu standing though Ume was not there.

"Stubborn guys" she mumbled.

Then she saw Ume coming back,she had two burgers on her hand and a bottle of water.She gave one of the burgers to Yasu and they started munching.

Aven was swinging his right leg lightly and taking deep breaths.

Sora felt kind of bad for him "He must be hungry ".

She checked their fridge,she took out two pieces of cake on a plate,and a coke.

She went outside and handed it to Aven.

"Thanks"he smiled innocently.

She blushed "you can take the plate home".

"Yah! You stupid girl! Why are you being nice to him" Yasu shouted.

"Aaahh God why did have to sent Evil people in my life" Sora screamed in frustration.

"We are actually angels" Ume calmly corrected.

Sora gave a scorned look and screamed "EVIL!".

Just then while she was walking back towards her house,a guy with a crazy look came charging towards her,he had a knife on his hand.

Sora was unable to move,She closed his eyes.

Nothing happened.

When she opened it- Aven was standing infront of her.And the knife had pierced through him.

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