Chapter- VII

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"Avv--eenn "Sora eyes were filled with tears.

Yasu punched the crazy eyed fellow,his punch knocked him out cold.

"Ayumu he is a Demi-human  can you kill him now? "Yasu breathed.

Aven eyes turned red,he punched through the Demi-human body,taking out his heart.

"Geez I really hate seeing this" Yasu said.

Some onlookers started screaming.

"Oh brother" Ume gave a bored look and clapped three times "forget and go to sleep" She yelled.

And the onlookers stopped their screaming and went to their respective houses.

"What was that?" Sora questioned

"The only handy thing about angels,they hypnotize humans" Aven smirked.

"Then why have'nt I forgetten anything?".

"Because this idiot demon already marked you,look at your back" Ume scoffed.

Sora lifted her shirt abit and looked at her back,she had a red mark that looked like an 'X'.

"Are'nt you glad?"Aven leaned towards her.

"Forget about that and tell me are you okay?" Sora asked with a concerned look.

Aven lifted his shirt,showcasing his perfectly toned body "see nothing,I heal fast,don't worry."

Then he came closer to Sora "were those tears for me?" He charmingly asked.

" just scared, I won't cry for a demon like you!" Her voice raised abit.

"Ah um! If your stupid flirting is over should'nt you take care of the body Ayumu" Yasu reminded pointing at lifeless bloody body lying on the ground.

"Oh yeah.bye Sora I have to make this look like an accident" He lifted the body and went away in a flash.

'"Phew guess we should be going to now" Yasu signed Ume.

"Sora even Yasu hate seeing blood and brutal things like that,and you being a human..why were'nt you scared?" Ume questioned with a suspicious look.

"Maybe because I have seen it alot like this in movies".

"Come Ume lets go" Yasu ushered.


Afer they left Sora was watching television..

*cellphone beeps*

--stupid demon.

Did'nt wanted you to see that o_o

--Received 20:09.


Don't worry,between I keep seeing you in my dreams.why is dat?.

--Delivered 20:10.

---stupid demon.

Because you keep thinking about me,I know am sexy.

--Received 20:12.


I never think about you,go to hell.

--Delivered 20:13.

--stupid demon.

I am from hell.

--Received 20:14.


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