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Pragya got ready for the office and came to the living room. She was taken aback, and gave an irritating reaction, seeing Abhi, feeding the doll.

Abhi: Eat, cookie. Nowadays, you are not even eating properly.

Abhi said, looking at Pragya. Pragya signed in disbelief and took her and sat on the dining chair. Robin started to serve Pragya. Her eyes were fixed on Abhi, who is not even minding her presence.

Pragya's pov: How dare he? He is behaving as if I'm invisible. He keeps on feeding that doll which would not eat anyway.

Abhi looked at Pragya, who was glaring at him.

Abhi: When did you come?

Pragya fumed in anger, hearing him.

Pragya: It's been half an hour since I have come.

Abhi: Oh, I was busy with cookie na, that's why I didn't see you.

Pragya gritted her teeth and got up from the table and went from there. Abhi, who looked at her, burst into a laugh.

In The Office

Pragya was working on her laptop, but her mind was filled with Abhi and today's morning incident.

Pragya's pov: What happened to him? Did he got mad or acting as if he got mad? How he got that doll? Something is wrong. The way he behaves with me is totally different. A few days before, he hated me for snatching him from that Preethi. But, now, he is acting so well with me. Pragya, don't fall for him. Something is cooking up in his mind. Be careful.

Pragya thought in her mind. She heard the door knock sound.

Pragya: Come in.

Bulbul entered the room.

Bulbul: Ma'am, I came here to remind you about tomorrow's party in Mr. Malhothra.

Pragya: Ya, I have totally forgotten about it. Let me take care of it.

Bulbul: Ok ma'am...

Before Bulbul could go out, she turned towards Pragya.

Bulbul: Ma'am...

Pragya sternly: Hm

Bulbul: Can I get two hours' permission, ma'am?

Pragya: Why?

Bulbul: I have a doctor's appointment ma'am.

Bulbul lied. Pragya looked at Bulbul.

Pragya: Only two hours. Then, I want you to be here.

Bulbul: Ok ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.

Bulbul said and went from there, happily.

In a Hotel

Abhi and Bulbul were sitting.

Bulbul: Why this sudden meeting?

Abhi: Do you remember this?

Abhi asked, showing the doll.

Bulbul: This doll... This is the doll that you and Pragya used to play na.

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