Will you go on a date with me?

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The next morning I was sitting on the bench with Whitley and Cavan. We were waiting for Maddox. The bonkers man said he will meet us here half an hour ago and guess what, he is still nowhere in sight. 

"Ugh, if I miss my chemistry lesson for his lack of punctuality I am going to be seriously red with anger." Cavan huffed from his place sitting on top of the table by our bench. The lad seemed to grow to like the school environment. Finally showing off his smarts and actually getting appreciated for it.  

"You sure do love your chemistry," I said with a teasing smirk tracing on my lips. 

"And you sure love Carlos," Whit mumbled while looking at her nails next to me taking my attention. 

"Excuse me?" 

"Oh, I said that out loud?" She asked surprised. Her head snapping upwards to look at us bewildered. 

"Well you sure didn't say it in your head," Cavan chuckled nudging me with his foot. 

"I do not love Carlos," I snapped...I don't know what love is...I just like him really much. But these creatures don't need to know that. 

"Sure about that? Because yesterday it was the only thing I listened to while you were falling asleep. I can't imagine a better bedtime story, honestly," Whitley chuckled at my now red face. 

"Aw does our little Christeen have a crush?" Cavan taunted leaning forward and throwing his arms around my shoulders his head falling on one of them. I flicked him in the forehead causing him to hiss slightly and pull away. 

"Shut up," I said with a forced smile and Whitley laughed she suddenly stopped and slapped my arm repeatedly. "Ow?" I yelped but it came out more like a question because of the confusion she caused by the sudden action. 

"Is that Maddox?" Whitley asked pointing towards two boys that were talking by the lockers. I furrowed my eyebrows coming to the conclusion that it indeed was our beloved leader. He was there talking with a rather tall boy. He sure was taller than our Mad. He had blond spiky hair and I would say blue eyes but from this far, I can't be sure. He wore a pale blue blazer over a white T-shirt and black trousers. Overall he looked decent...so not Mad's type. 

"Who is he talking to?" Cavan asked curiously seeing an opportunity to tease another person. I just shrugged. I have never seen the boy before but I am sure he must be attending the school because he has a backpack filled with books. 

"Can't you like go...incognito and find out what they are talking about?" Whitley nudged me with her shoulder while whispering her secret idea in my ear. I would, of course, do it without a problem but then the Vks came in the view and my eyes instantly fell on Carlos. 

"You know what I am not sure it is a good idea," I mumbled feeling myself blush just by seeing the villain boy.  

"Oh great and now two of them are broken," Cavan frowned jumping down from the table and walking towards the lockers. Both me and Whitley watched wide-eyed as he approached the two, completely disturbing their conversation. Mad looked pretty pissed at Cavan at that moment. 

"Do you think Mad will shatter a teacup over Cav's head?" Whitley asked in a whisper leaning her body more against mine. I gave her a weird look. "I mean he does have the same look his dad did every time he was about to just grab a cup and smash it, not caring if anyone was in the way or not," Whitley explained pointing at Maddox's face and sure enough I saw the resemblance. But I doubt Mad will actually hurt his best friend. Soon enough Cavan managed to freak the young blond off. The blond left with a polite smile aimed mainly at Maddox and after he was out of the sight Cavan dragged Mad over to us. 

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