Hi dads

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"All I want to know is where you were yesterday night, cause I couldn't find you anywhere," Cavan tried to get his answers. The poor guy was starting to get really pumped up about being clueless. It was something that he wasn't completely used to. 

"Why do you need to know?" Maddox asked, being completely fed up with Cavan always questioning him. The two of them walked in front of me and Whitley while the two of us were just rolling our eyes at their little bickering. We got so used to it over the years that it didn't faze us in the slightest when we found them bickering since the sunrise. 

"Where do you reckon he was?" Whitley asked leaning a bit down to whisper it in my ear. I just shrugged but when I saw Maddox blush when we passed the blond guy...Adam, I presume, I knew I already had my answer. 

"I can only guess," I smirked nodding my head towards the tall blond who was talking to someone else now. Maddox was in such a rush after he saw the glimpse of the boy that it was getting harder to keep up with them. Cavan with his long legs wasn't experiencing any trouble but for the two of us, it was like a light morning jog. For which I wasn't prepared. 

When we finally arrived in the Remedial Goodness class the Vks were already there sitting in their usual places. I waved at Evie who waved back enthusiastically. Mad and Cavan slipped into their seats at the back while Whit and I traveled towards the front. Whitley sat down in front of Jay while I sat down in front of Carlos. 

"Morning," Carlos greeted from behind me and I turned around to give him a smile. 


"Listen, I got something for you," He said while searching through his pockets. He pulled it out to reveal a thin silver chain that had a white rose pendant in the middle. I gasped seeing the simple yet very beautiful piece of jewelry.

"Oh my gosh Carlos, that's...beautiful," I almost teared up at the sight of the necklace in his hands. I can't believe he got this for me. We had our first date not too long ago and he already managed to get me this? How did he do that?

 We had our first date not too long ago and he already managed to get me this? How did he do that?

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"And it's for you, don't ask how I got it. It was a long way, but it will be all worth it if you decide to wear it," Carlos said offering me the necklace. I laughed and moved my hair aside, messing up with the beanie on my head a bit. 

"Ugh your mushiness is making me sick," Jay remarked teasingly. Carlos hit him in the shoulder for interrupting the moment but I just giggled. 

"Well then, can you clip it on?" I asked turning my back to him to allow him to put the necklace around my neck. It fitted perfectly and it looked so beautiful. Out of nowhere, Dude jumped into my lap knocking the glasses off my nose in the process. I laughed a little and pet the small creature. 

"Since when you wear glasses?" Carlos asked amused, raising his eyebrow. I looked at him seeing as he picked up my glasses and was now holding them in his hand.

A little bit of good (Carlos De VilxOC)Where stories live. Discover now