Not the end...

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We were at the party, everyone singing dancing. I just sat here on the bench with Jane. I didn't want her to be alone. She felt like a bad person after everything that has happened and I just wanted to assure her that she was nowhere near being a bad guy. 

"You don't have to blame yourself, you know that right?" I asked Jane over the music while Ben, Mal, Evie, and Whitley were singing. 

"I can't help but feel responsible for everything that happened. I almost ruined this kingdom." I reached my hand to touch Jane's shoulder. She was being way too hard on herself. 

"Then let me carry part of the blame. I am the one who reacted impulsively after all," I chuckled bumping into her lightly and she gave me a grateful smile. I am so glad we are back on being friends. True it was a bit hard to forget all the mean things that happened but I can't really blame her. Everyone was behaving weird these past few days. Suddenly Carlos and Jay hopped over to us both of them taking a seat on each end of the bench. 

[Carlos and Jay]

Time to set this thing off
Let's make it happen now
I'mma make my own future, ignore the rumors
Show 'em how passion sounds

Carlos grabbed my hand and Jay grabbed Jane. I blushed a bit when Carlos pulled me along with him. When we reached the podium he spun me around quickly causing me to giggle a bit. 

They all told me I should back down
Judgin' me 'cause of my background
Thinkin' 'bout changing my path now
I ain't goin' out like that now

I followed Carlos' lead when we danced and I smirked back at him and started singing. 

Feeling the power, let it all out
Like what you see in the mirror, shout
We got the keys, the kingdom's ours

The song carried on and we all danced together just enjoying the rest of the night. 

After the dancing was over and everyone was just doing their own thing with friends or whoever they choose I got pulled to the side by Carlos. 

"Carlos, I swear to my cat ears if you are pulling me into the forest in the middle of the night again I might scream." Carlos laughed at my threat but continued pulling me along. 

"I just wanted to be with you without others around." Aw, he is so sweet. We stopped by the picnic tables by the school and sat down. 

"I am sorry for almost releasing even more madness into this land," I said suddenly causing Carlos to laugh. 

"And I am sorry for almost letting villains take over this land."

"I'll forgive you if you forgive me."

"You are forgiven kitten." A scrunched my face in disgust at that nickname. My dad used to call me that and it just didn't feel right anymore. I am a whole different person than I was back then. "I get it you don't enjoy that nickname much," Carlos laughed seeing the disgust in my face. 

"Sorry, it just doesn't feel like me anymore," I answered sadly while glancing down at my hands. I heard a sigh next to me and the next thing I know Carlos grabbed my hand causing me to look up at him. 

"What about puppy then? You like that don't you?" Isn't it ironic that I am a cat and my boyfriend wants to call me puppy? Huh, whatever puppies are cute. 

"I love that," I answered with a big smile on my face. Carlos mimicked my actions and hugged me closer to him. I could stay like this forever. Just me, Carlos, Dude and our friends. For the rest of our lives. I am sure whatever the future holds we will all face it together. One thing is for sure...this is not the end yet. 


And this is the end of book 1. I might get book 2 out by the end of the week if anyone is interested. Anyway, hope you liked the story. I am sorry for any mistakes that occurred. I am not flawless 😅 Okay I am not going to blabber here. I just hope you enjoyed the story and that I will see you in book 2 ❤❤❤

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