Is it really me?

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The game was good, we won but it also confused me because I didn't expect prince Ben to declare his love towards Mal so openly but I guess that is just the Auradon style. I am not gonna shame on anyone. I was a bit out of it for most of the game until the moment Carlos walked onto the field or more likely he was dragged there by Jay. But they did well it was all alright. After the game, everyone got back to their classes. I had one of them with prince Ben thanks to me being super advanced in art...don't ask me how. I got put in this class with older kids for no valid reason but I didn't care that much. Tho I must admit I have spaced out most of the class and the young prince or rather soon to be king took notice to that. 

"Is everything alright?" He asked from his spot next to me, seeing as I was just mindlessly doodling on my paper.  

"What...oh yeah, yeah totally fine," I said hurriedly, not expecting anyone to be talking to me. 

"Hey, listen I know it maybe wasn't like this back in Wonderland, but here you can trust us. You can trust me," Ben said putting a hand on my left hand which made me look up at him. 

"Um...maybe I could tell you," I thought silently. He nodded with a smile and I sighed. "Okay well, here it goes...Carlos asked me on a date." I managed to stutter out with a blushing face. 

"I see," Ben was trying too hard to mask the smile that was threatening to appear on his face just so he could act all professional. "And what is the problem with that?"

"The fact that I have never been on a date might be a slight problem." I pointed out with a sour face. 

"If it makes you feel better I am sure Carlos has the same problem," Ben chuckled nudging me a little with his elbow. "And you don't need to stress if you like him it will all work out, just don't be stressed when you go there. People tend to do all sorts of embarrassing things when they feel under pressure," Ben advised me with a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes at him and let my hand sketch freely on the canvas. 

"How would you know that I like him like that? What if I just agreed to spare his feelings?" I asked pointing my pencil at him. Ben eyed the pencil slowly and then turned to look into my eyes.

"Well, if all those looks you seem to be giving each other didn't give it away as well as the fact that you seemed to trust him enough to drop down from the tree yesterday...I would have to take a wild guess based on the little sketch of him and Dude that you just finished." Ben pointed out with a smug look on his face.

Slightly confused I glance down at the paper that I have been abusing by my uncoordinated scribbling, only to blush at an instant when seeing the result. My eyes seemed to be practically glued to the picture I had unintentionally sketched out. It really did resemble Carlos, in the sketch he was holding Dude just like when we met the little furball yesterday.

"Alright, I think you got me," I admitted feeling kind of defeated. Admitting feelings is so hard. Ben only chuckled. 

"It will be alright. Maybe you can ask Whitley to help you get ready for your big date...that might calm you down a bit." Ben suggested just as the bell rang signaling the end of the class. I didn't even get to thank him because before I managed to collect my words he was already leaving the room.

"Oh come on Chris, please." Whitley pleaded for about a hundredth time already. Ever since I asked for her help after the classes were over she kept on following me spitting out ideas as if she were thinking about this moment for ages. She now wants to style up my hair...I would be fine with that but she also wants to force me into one of her dresses. 

"Why can't we use something from my wardrobe?" I asked annoyed, slamming my locker shut with great force. Whitley jumped back at the loud voice but didn't bug off. 

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