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I went to his office after school for detention and didn't say a word. I sat in a chair far from him and finished 2 hours. I left and Adriana's group was waiting and she punched me, giving me a bruise on my cheek. I ended up having a new scar on my arm and multiple bruises. I went to school the next day with a sweatshirt and leggings. Adriana's group laughed at me and while I was in math, I was called down to Mr. Gray.

"You have got to be kidding me!" He yelled at me. "Adriana came crying this morning telling me that you beat her up again and that she was scared!" I didn't say anything and he towered over me. "She took me outside to where there was blood on the concrete. She said it was her blood after you punched her in the face! You're ready to get expelled!" I broke and started crying. "Keep crying! It isn't going to fix anything! You need to go apologise to her!"

"No," I let out.

"What do you mean by no?"

"I'm not saying sorry." I kept crying and he slammed his fist on his desk.

"You're suspended. Go home," he ordered. I rolled up my sleeve and showed him all the bruises and scars. I showed him the ones on my legs.

"I didn't do anything. But you believe her, don't you?" I grabbed my bag and went home. I called Caden to ask if he could come over after school and he said he'd head over at lunch.

"Everyone heard you got suspended. Adriana told them you hurt her," Caden said. "Now show me everything." I showed him all the scars and bruises and he hugged me. "Mr. Gray is just a jerk." I ended up going live on instagram and explained my entire day.

"And let me just add that Blake Gray is my counselor who expelled me without evidence," I said and ended my live. Me accusing him was all on TikTok room and I slept for the night. At least I didn't have school. At around noon the next day, Cece called me and I answered.

"Dude, Mr. Gray called me down to the office and he wanted me to call you. You have to come to school right now," she said. I got ready and went over. I had my hood on and sat in a chair in Mr. Gray's office.

"Tell me why she would do this," he said.

"Because she just wants to prove she's the best. And you made it possible by expelling me. I'm not surprised if she's already told everyone about my parents," I shook my head.

"What about them?"

"She mocks me. She rubs it in my face! My mom died giving birth to me and my dad went missing when I was 3 months old. He was found dead at the bottom of a lake with a gun shot wound to his head. My aunt took care of me but she died of cancer. She was never married so I was sent to my grandmothers on my mom's side of the family. She died of old age and same with my grandfather. So I was sent to my dad's parents. They didn't want me and put me up for adoption. I was about 1 by this time. And my adoptive mother burned all my pictures of my original family and everyone I cared about. I lived with her for so long. I left her when I turned 16 and came to LA. Now I have no one who loves me and that's all I've wanted. But Adriana wants to just break me. And you took her side, so she feels like she's won everything. So why don't you leave me alone?" I asked and walked out of his office. I drove home and Cece texted me telling me that Adriana and her entire group were expelled and I was allowed to come back to school the next day. I did and no one brought anything up. Caden and Cece were all I needed. And the football team. I had ignored Mr. Gray for about a month now and Mrs. Flake got a call asking me to come down to his office. I took my bag and went down.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for not believing you," he said.

"Is that all you want?" I shook my head and he sighed.

"Skylar, I should have listened to you and you're just misunderstood and I made a mistake. I hope I made it right by expelling Adriana and her group. I miss seeing you around and I'm sorry if I hurt you. I was rude and mean and it wasn't okay."

"Alright. Forgiven." I held my hand out and he shook it. "Can I go back to class now?"

"Yeah." I went up and school ended. I went to Mr. Gray's office and he gave me a look. "You don't have detention."

"So?" I asked and sat. I finished my homework early and looked around the room. "Do you still live at Sway?" I asked.

"Mh-Hm. Josh got his own house, Jaden did too. Griffin, Quinton, and Kio moved into the Sway Gaming house, and it's just Bryce, Noah, and I at the OG Sway house. Anthony is always going to Avani's place so he's never at Sway."

"No offense, but I hate Josh's friend Caleb Rock. He's annoying," I said and Mr. Gray laughed.

"Alright. That's your opinion and I'll respect it." I smiled and walked behind him.

"What are you working on?" I asked and looked at the computer.

"Attendance. I have to look at everything the teachers put in and type it in here. Then I have to call all the people with unexcused absences. And then I have to sort the mail for each teacher," he pointed at a pile in the corner. I went over and created piles for each teacher. "What are you doing?" He asked.

Counselor: Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now