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Blake took me to school in the morning and I sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'll miss not seeing you," I said.

"Aww! Are you getting all sad and sentimental?"

"Shut up, Blake," I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious."

"Hey... It'll be fine. I'll pick you up from school." I nodded and gave him a hug. I went to the football team where Cece and Caden were and we all went inside. I skipped lunch again and Blake picked me up after school. "So... Where are we going?" He asked.

"Tesla," I stated. He drove and I decided on a silver one. The worker went to get the paying machine and Blake set his card on the table. I quickly took it and instead set mine. "I can get my own car, Blake." He took his card back and we drove home separately. I parked the car in the garage and Blake walked with me inside.

"How was school?" Noah asked.

"Good," I said.

"What did you do?"


"I expected that," Bryce said.

"What did you guys do?" I asked.

"We drank everything in your fridge so Bryce had to go buy more stuff," Blake said.

"Uh-Huh," I went upstairs and sat on my bed, working on homework. My door was open and I saw Blake walk by. I tried to focus again, but just couldn't. Who gave this man the right to look so good? I got back to my homework finally and there was a knock at the door. I looked up and Blake gave me a smile. "Oh, you can come in. Don't have to knock."

"I'm just checking on how your work is going..." He shrugged and leaned against the door frame.

"I'm almost done. What are you up to?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm bored." He jumped onto the bed and took my computer. He set it aside and laid down on his stomach across my lap. He scrolled through his phone and I set the computer on my legs, trying to finish my work. He sighed and set his phone aside, getting bored again. I submitted what was due and set my computer to charge. I slowly ran my hand through Blake's hair and he looked at me with a smile.

"I have to get up, Blake," I said and he rolled off me. I smiled and he stood.

As night came, I was texting Cece and she was asking how it was going with the boys.

"Hi!" Blake jumped onto my bed.

"Hi," I said.

"What are you doing?"

"About to sleep. What, you joining me or something?" I tried to flirt a little but realized I failed miserably.

"I might," he shrugged and I blushed a little. He noticed but didn't say anything. I set my phone aside and lied down. "I need to borrow your charger." He reached over me and was literally laying on me.

"I need my phone charged for tomorrow."

"In the morning you can charge it." I sighed and he got off. I turned the other way and slept. Blake ended up going to his room and didn't sleep with me.

I went down the next morning and Bryce and Noah had taken Blake's car to the gym. Blake wasn't awake yet, so I went to his room and jumped on him.

"Mh!" He groaned. "Why would you do that?"

"Because you're driving me to school," I said.

"You have your own car."


"Let me get ready." I went down and got my bag ready. He came down and asked if I was ready.

"Wait, I'm gonna get my charger." I went up and we finally got to school. I got sentimental again and Blake shoved me out of the car. I got to class and was hungry at lunch. I looked in my bag to see if I had a snack and found a note in the shape of a heart.

Hey Skylar,
If you're reading this, you're probably snackish, tired, or bored. I put this in your bag when you went to get a charger. Anyways, there are pringles, goldfish, and Mott's fruit snacks so your vegan teacher doesn't get mad. There's also a bang energy if you're tired. If you don't want that, I also put in $20 in the front pocket of you wanna buy something.


I smiled and took the Bang and goldfish. He picked me up and neither of us said anything. I decided to take a shower when I got back and set my bag in the living room. I got back down and saw Blake put the $20 in his wallet. He gave me a smile and I looked away.

"Where's Bryce?" I asked and he went serious.

"He and Noah went out," he said. "Why?"

"Jeez. I was just asking," I sat on the couch and worked on homework. I was half way through when I realised how quiet the house was. "Do you wanna go to the mall?" I set my book aside.

"Sure, I guess," Blake said and drove. We went to Gucci and Blake looked low. "I just don't wanna spend money on stuff that I don't really need and not have money for stuff I need."

"That's why I'm paying," I said.

"No, you're not."

"Blake, stop. I am." I ended up paying for everything and we went home.

"Did you get me something?" Bryce asked me.

"No. Get your own stuff," I said and went to my room. I finished work late and Blake came in again. He went live at my desk and I was clearly seen. I went over and looked at him. "Hi," I told the live.

"Ew! Go away. We don't talk to cringy, weird girls with daddy issues," Blake pushed me and I gave him a true sad look before turning away. He came after me and threw me over his shoulder, chucking me into the bed. He brought the phone and I turned away from the live.

Counselor: Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now