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"And you can bring in the Starbucks pinkity drinkities!" He said.

"And Dunkin for Charchar," I said. Charli and I had gotten close and she would vent her problems to me a lot of the time. The day for the shoot came and we got dressed in the Sister outfits that matched Charli's. We were told that we were those bad girls who all the nerd boys fell for. We got Dunkin and Starbucks and walked into the classroom set. Everyone came and took their drinks and I sat at my assigned desk if front of Larray. Blake saw me and I ignored him. Larry threw a pencil at the back of my head and I turned around.

"I swear to God, that was not me," he smiled. I threw his stuff on the floor and Alex laughed since he was filming. Larray grabbed my hair and pulled me back.

"No bullying!" James ran over.

"Yeah, Larray," I said. Chase walked over to me and sat on my lap.

"Is that a cold brew with cream?" He asked as I took a sip of my Starbucks.

"Yeah. Want a sip?" I asked and he took one.

"Oh, shit. That's good," he took it. "Classic love story. Popular boy falls in love with popular girl." He went to kiss me and I pulled away. He laughed, took my Starbucks, and walked away.

"Can I talk to you?" Blake came to me.

"Sure," I said and we walked into the hall area.

"Where were you and where are you living? We got home from Griffin's and everything was gone!" He yelled.

"I moved out," I said.

"And you weren't going to tell me?" He hissed.

"I had been talking about it for the entire week, Blake! You would have known if you weren't addicted to your phone! I moved in with my friends and I'm happy. I'm not letting you take that from me."

"You don't even make the time for me anymore, Skylar!"

"I tried! I finished my finals and I said, 'Blake, I finished my finals and I'm free to hang out now. What do you wanna do?' And you said, 'You should go to your room and stay there for a few hours. Don't come out. The boys are coming over.' If you think for one second that you're the victim here, forget our relationship!"

"I don't want to forget our relationship, Skylar!"

"Can we talk about this later?"

"Yes." We went to a separate room after we were done and Blake and I talked. We found things we both needed to improve on and worked out our differences. "Sky, I love you. And I know I don't pay attention to you and I'll start to."

"I love you too, Blake." I hugged him around the torso and he hugged me back with a sigh.

"Our management sold Sway," he said.

"Oh..." I said.

"I know it's so much to ask, Sky, but can we please move into your house?"

"I'll have to ask the others first. Because almost all the rooms are taken up."

"I'll share with you." I tilted my head and gave him a look. "Okay. Talk to them and text me, I guess."

"Okay. I'll see you later." I went home and asked everyone. They didn't mind, so Blake, Noah, and Bryce moved in after we sold the house. Someone bought it immediately since their kids knew that Bryce, Blake, and Noah had stayed there.

"How much money did you make?" Bryce came over and sat on a beanbag in my room.

"$989,000," I shrugged.

"Nice," Noah and Blake walked in.

"Why you guys wanna split it between yourselves?" I asked.

"Wait, seriously?" Noah asked.

"I mean..."

"I'd be rich!" Blake took it and I rolled my eyes. They split it between themselves, so I cashed in the check and cashapped them each 1/3 of the money. At night, I was ready to sleep when a random number called me. I answered and it was heavy breathing on the other side.

"I-I see you," a creepy voice said.

"What?" I asked.

"You-You look warm and comfy. I'm downstairs now..." More heavy breathing.

"Who are you?"

"Heeheehee," it snickered.

"Stop," I said.

"I'll come up. I'm coming upstairs," the voice sang and it hung up. I was scared by now and then heard the stairs creak. I was in shock and literally couldn't move. My doorknob shook before it slowly opened. Bryce and J-Rod walked in.

"You're such a dick!" I yelled and tears welled up in my eyes. "You're a fucking dick, Bryce!" I got up and wiped my eyes with my sleeve. "I hate you."

"It was a prank. It was a prank!" He said.

"I know! I fucking hate you! You literally don't get that-that I hate horror stuff and you don't have consideration for anyone!" I cried and walked into the bathroom, locking the door. Bryce left and went to Blake who was sleeping in their shared room.

"Blake, wake up," Bryce said.

"I just slept, bro," Blake said.

"Your girlfriends crying in her bathroom."

"What? Why?"

"Talk to her." Bryce went downstairs and talked to the camera about how that went wrong.

"Sky?" Blake knocked on my door. "Can you let me in?" I let him in and sat on the floor. "What's wrong."

"Bryce is a dick," I told him everything and he was pissed off. He went downstairs to where J-Rod was filming Bryce.

"You fucking idiot!" Blake shoved Bryce.

"It was a prank!" Bryce said.

"You can go ahead and shove that prank up your fucking ass! You can do that to anyone else! Anyone but my fucking girl, okay?" Blake shoved him into a wall.

"Fine. Jeez!" Bryce said. I wiped my eyes and went down, pulling my hood on. Blake sat on the couch and I straddled him, hugging him. He held me and I buried my head in his shoulder. He pet my back and I sighed. "Hey... Skylar, it was a prank and I didn't mean to-" Bryce started but I gave him the middle finger.

Counselor: Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now