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I made breakfast in the morning and Blake came down.

"Hey," Blake came over and took orange juice from the fridge.

"Hey. There's food, take as much as you want, I'm not making more," I said.

"Okay. Thanks."

"Are the other two still sleeping?" I asked.

"If you have a crush on Bryce, just tell me," he sounded upset.

"I don't, though. So..." I walked off and he followed me. "Can you, like, give me space?"

"If it was Bryce following you, you probably wouldn't say that."

"What about me?" Bryce asked.

"Blake thinks I have a crush on you," I rolled my eyes.

"She doesn't, dude. Stop." I went to my room and the boys came into my room for lunch.

"What?" I asked.

"What's for lunch?" They asked.

"I don't do lunch. I never really eat lunch so you guys order something," I said and rolled out of bed. "Same with dinner." I opened a drawer and got a packet of M&M's.

"So you just live off snacks?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, basically." They ordered food and I decided to film for my YouTube channel. I was verified on YouTube with 10M subscribers. I got the boys to be in it and Blake ran away with the camera. He went to the back yard and I followed him.

"We're in the back yard... Um, it's boring here," Blake showed both of us. "There's a pool for skinny-dipping."

"Ew!" I yelled. I sat on the grass and Blake sat next to me, eating ice cream. He took my opposite hand and had his arm around my shoulders. "Are we being too cute for the vlog? Should we be mean to each other?" I asked.

"No. Because it's hard to be mean to you."

"That was just gross." He gave me a look. "Too cheesy." He tried to fake kiss me and I moved away. He shoved me and I laughed. We ended the video by the end on the day and I finished editing it soon. School started finally and I went to Cece and Caden. We talked and the two were gonna come with me to Blake's office after school.
"I have a mess up on my attendance," Caden said.
"Same. And my mom thinks I ditched," Cece sighed. They came with me and I walked in. I set my bag on a chair and so did Cece and Caden. Blake looked up from his phone and Bryce and Noah we're here too.

"Ayy! Skylar!" Bryce said.

"Hey," I said and he threw my backpack aside, sitting in the chair. "Bryce!"

"What?" He asked.

"Blake..." I said.

"Bryce, let her sit," Blake said and Caden gave me a questioning look. I shook my head and sighed.

"I'm not getting up," Bryce said. He smiled at me and pet his lap.

"That's so fucked up," Blake said and I sat on Bryce's lap. I started doing my school work and Bryce wrapped his arm around my waist. I finished and Cece and Caden got their attendance fixed.

"You gonna be at my ditching party?" Cece asked me and Caden.

"Obviously. Tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah. Caden"

"I don't know," he said.

"Don't be a pussy. Your entire football team is gone be there," I said.

"Yeah. Like, half the school," Cece said.

"Fine," Caden said.

"Don't ditch my ditching party," Cece and Caden left and I packed my backpack. I went to get off Bryce, but he held me tightly.

"Bryce, let go of me," I said.

"No," he held me.

"Blake? Noah?" I asked.

"Hm?" Noah asked.

"Bryce won't let go of me! I feel harassed." Bryce finally let go after Blake threatened him. "Okay, I'm gonna head home," I said. "When will you guys be back?" I asked.

"I'm here for another hour," Blake said.

"Why did you guys have to come live with me? You're such high maintenance. Go live with Curtis or something." I went to the door and waited.

"Should we go back with her?" Noah asked Blake.

"I'm going," Bryce said. He and I went to my car and Noah ran out a bit later. I drove them back and got changed for the night. Noah and Bryce were watching movies in my room and I was in the living room. The front door opened and I looked up from my phone.

"Hey," I smiled at Blake.

"Hey," he said. "Did you eat at all?"

"Like, at all today?"


"No. I skipped breakfast."

"Do you wanna go get dinner?" Blake asked.

"But I'm already changed..." I said.

"That's fine. It's casual." I nodded and he gave a soft smile. "Let me put my stuff away and I'll be down." I watched him go upstairs and he took about 5 minutes to change. He came back and was changed into a hoodie and shorts. He was in all black, but I honestly didn't care. He debated on taking my keys or his own and I looked back at my phone so he wouldn't see that I was staring at him. Blake took my keys and I followed him out. We decided to get McDonalds and went back. "I'm gonna move out," he said when we got to my front porch.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Skylar... I quit being counselor today."

"Why?" I asked.

"It's not important. But... I should pay you now for letting me stay and I'll leave tomorrow morning. I also don't have enough money to pay you if I stay longer. It's just really hard for me to make money and I'm not looking for pity. I'm probably just gonna go back to Texas and move back in with my dad."

"Blake..." I started.

"I moved out to LA hoping that my social media days would continue, but all I have is Triller and Instagram and I should have gone to college."

"Blake! Stop," I said and he went quiet. "I'm letting you stay here. I don't care if any of you pay me or not. I don't want you to be sad and move back to Texas," I hugged him around the torso and he took a second to hug back.

Counselor: Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now