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He didn't say anything after that and I went home. Blake awkwardly came over to me and smiled.

"Hiiiiii, babeeee. Um... I love you?" He asked and hugged me around the waist awkwardly. I gave him a look and he backed away.

"Why are you acting so weird?" I asked.

"Because I don't want you to leave me, that's why."

"Then don't be rude to me, Blakey Blake." I walked to the back yard and Andre, Hugh, and stuff were in the pool.

"Hey," Andre smiled.

"Hey," I said. I walked back inside and to my room. Blake followed me and I chilled on the bed.

"How was your day at the Hype House?" He asked.

"Didn't really do much, actually. They used me for vlogs, but nothing new."

"I'm starting my YouTube up again. It's probably just gonna be called F-Boy Kitchen." I laughed and he lied down next to me.

"Great idea, Blake. Then you can help play rent for this place."

"Uh!" He said and I kissed him, running my hand through his hair. He smiled and laid down on his stomach. "I love you," he said and set a hand on my thigh.

"I love you, too, Blake," I ruffled his hair and he closed his eyes. I went down after I heard him snoring and Bryce was in the kitchen.

"Yo," he said. "I need a favor."

"Yeah. What's up?" I asked.

"For my new PAU merch. Can you model for it and advertise?"

"Yeah. Of course."

"Wait... Do you expect free merch or pay after that?"

"No," I laughed. "Just give me what I have to wear." He gave me a couple colours and a couple Ani drinks to advertise too. I went to the back yard and took pictures with everything. I wore each hoodie and posted pics on my Instagram telling people to get the merch and drinks. Quite a few people bought them and Bryce let me keep the hoodies. I went up to the room and put the folded hoodies away.

"Hi," Blake groaned.

"Hi," I said. "You awake?"

"No," he pulled the blanked over himself.

"I'm about to go to the mall. Wanna be the cute boyfriend that keeps me company?"

"Can't you take Cece or something?"

"I guess. But then I'd be very sad and think you don't care about me," I said and he sighed, getting out of bed.

"Fine. Can I wear just a hoodie and sweats?"

"Yeah. That's what I'm wearing."

"It'll look good on you. Not me."

"Wear whatever, Blake. I don't care." He changed and came with me to the mall.

"Can we get ice cream?" Blake asked.

"Yeah. Do you wanna get it here or do you wanna stop at Cold Stone on the way home?"

"Cold Stone." We bought a few things and left. I drove and Blake chilled in the passengers' seat. We got to Cold Stone and got in line. "Can we buy a small cake?"

"Yeah. Go chose one from there or something." He chose a cake and we also got ice cream. We ate the ice cream in the car and I took some from Blake. He happily shared with me and we went home. We but the cake in the freezer and Blake was paranoid.

"What if someone eats it?" He asked.

"Then we'll get another one," I shrugged and pulled him upstairs. We slept for the night and I woke up before Blake. I went down to Bryce who was filming.

"So Skylar and I have decided to prank Blake. She's gonna ask him to talk and then say that she's breaking up with him. Then I'll walk in with a fake hickey on my neck," Bryce said. We waited and put cameras in my room. Blake woke and came down where we also had cameras.

"Hey... Blake, can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked Blake.

"Yeah. Of course. What's up?" He asked.

"Can we talk privately in my room or something?"

"Yeah?" Blake asked and we went to my room, perfectly in view of the cameras. "What's wrong, Sky?"

"I-I just... I have mixed feelings about us."


"When we first started dating, I-I felt like it was a new spark and stuff. But now I feel like we're both getting boring. We don't do much together, you're always busy, and we've even fought a lot."

"What? Sky, we've fought, like, once!"

"I just feel like there's so much pressure on me to keep our relationship going even when I feel... like it's old," I said.

"What are you trying to say?" Blake asked.

"Maybe we're just not working out."

"Are those the only reasons? You're positive that there's no one-"

"Hey, babe- Oh... um, hey Blake," Bryce walked in, on his phone.

"Did you just fucking call her babe?" Blake asked him. "Skylar, what the fuck is going on?" I looked at the ground. "And is that a fucking hickey on your neck?" He looked at Bryce. "Did you give him that? Skylar, answer me!"

"I'm sorry, Blake. I needed someone there, you weren't there, and Bryce was," I said.

"What? Did you two have sex?"

"Bro, I didn't mean to break bro code. I still hope we're good," Bryce said.

"Hope we're good? No, we're not fucking good! You fucked my girl while I'm dating her! And you cheated on me and magically want to break up!" Blake stood and looked at me. "You just... could have told me before you cheated."

"Blake, I-" I started.

"No, I don't want to hear it. We're over. Like you wanted, Skylar. Go enjoy fucking Bryce. I hope you treat her well," Blake told Bryce and walked out of the room. We both stared at the camera shocked. Bryce grabbed it and we quickly followed Blake downstairs.

"Wait, Blake!" I called and ran after him with Bryce after me.

"What?" Blake sighed.

"It was a prank, babe. I love you! I would never cheat," I hugged him and Blake sighed.

"You two are so dead," Blake shook his head.

Counselor: Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now