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"I help," I stated. "Do you want me to take these to the mail room?"

"Sure, I guess." I took all the mail and put it in the teachers' slots. I went back and sat in the chair in front of Mr. Gray and took his computer. I filled out attendance and handed it back.

"Why don't you go home?" Mr. Gray asked and I shrugged.

"I walked here today," I said. He finished work and got up.

"Go home. 'Cause I have to."

"Um... Mr. Gray?" I asked.


"Blake, can I maybe get a ride home?"

"Yeah," realization fell over him. "Yeah." He took me home and I smiled.

"Thanks. See you in 3 days, then," I got out.


"Tomorrow's Saturday, silly."

"Right. I'll come by tomorrow." He drove home and I went in. I had called him Blake and he didn't correct me. But wasn't he cute? No. I can't have a crush on my high school counselor. I slept on that thought and made breakfast in the morning. I had Eggos and chocolate chips and whip cream. The bell rang and I opened the door to find Blake, Bryce, and Noah.

"Hi," I let them in and they went to the kitchen. I shut the door and followed them.

"Can I have the whip cream?" Bryce asked and I nodded. He squirted it in his mouth and Blake laughed. Noah ate chocolate chips from the bag and Blake ate half my waffle.

"So you know how Bryce had a party?" Blake asked.

"Yeah," I sat.

"Well, the Mayor turned off all running water, electricity, and WiFi to our house last night," Noah said.

"What's your name?" Bryce asked.

"Skylar," I said.


"The others can't have us stay over at their places thanks to management. So can we stay here for a few months?" Blake asked.

"Will you pay me?" I asked them.

"Yeah," Noah said.

"Sure. I have extra rooms."

"Great!" Bryce said and the three got two suitcases each and I took them to the three rooms I had available. They all took showers and I stayed in my room. The boys walked in without knocking and sat on the beanbags around my room.

"Do you have house rules?" Noah asked.

"Don't break anything or you're paying for it. Otherwise no," I said. I got up and grabbed my keys.

"Where are we going?" Blake asked.

"We aren't going anywhere. But I am."

"Shopping? Great. We're coming," Bryce said and the three came with me. I was walking and Bryce and Blake casually came over and held either of my hands. We finished and Noah drove back to the house. I set everything up in my room. I was chilling on the bed and Blake knocked on the door.

"Hey, Mr. Gray," I said.

"Just call me Blake. When we're alone," he said. "Like, if you're staying after school. If you talk about me, say Mr. Gray. I honestly hate it, but whatever. I guess I don't have a say.

"Alright. What's up?"

"Nothing. What are you up to?"

"Nothing really. It's the weekend and I'm gonna enjoy it," I smiled awkwardly. I pet the spot on the bed next to me and he sat. I was laying on my stomach and looked up at him. "Can we watch a movie?" I asked, excited and hoping he'd say yes.

"It's your house," he said with a smile and I set my phone aside. I started a movie and Blake looked at me. "Won't your boyfriend get mad?"

"We broke up a while ago. We're still friends, but he doesn't care," I said and he nodded. We watched a couple of movies and then he left to go hang out with the boys in what stupid stuff they were doing. Noah was really the only good one there. I slept and woke in the morning to the boys knocking on my door frantically. "What?" I yelled at them.

"We're hungry," Bryce said.

"Good for you," I sassed.

"Can you make us some food?" Noah asked.

"Fine. What do you want?" I asked and walked out after getting ready for the day.

"Pancakes," Blake said and I made breakfast. They liked it and then went to the other rooms to hang out. I called Cece to come over and she didn't pay attention to the boys.

"Their house no longer has water, electricity, or WiFi, so I'm letting them stay here," I said.

"Good luck," she laughed and we talked about random boys at school.

"How old are you guys?" Bryce asked.

"18," I said.

"Oh. Okay." They left us alone, the Cece went home. Blake came to my room to hang out and I didn't want to.

"Oh, come on!" He whined.

"No," I whined.


"Fine. What do you wanna do?"

"We can watch movies again." He laid down next to me and we watched movies. He slowly put his arm around me and I looked at him.

"This isn't very professional," I teased.

"Shut up," he smiled and I leaned onto him. "It's fine as long as no one knows about it," he whispered in my ear. I felt a shiver go down my spine when I felt his breath by my ear. He moved away and played with my hair. I didn't mind and liked it. I didn't get too close to him and he didn't notice I was holding anything back. Thankfully. We finished at midnight and I was getting tired. Of course, Bryce wasn't, so he barged in and started jumping around. I yelled at him to get out and he threw my makeup pouch at me.

"I'm sorry. Don't kill me," he said and Blake laughed. I threw my makeup bag back at Bryce and he put it back, leaving.

"Okay. Night," Blake let go of me and walked to his room. I slept where he had originally laid down and got warmth. It even smelled like him and I knew then on that I really liked him and I couldn't do anything to deny it. Nothing at all.

Counselor: Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now