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"We're still together right, babe?" I asked.

"Yes," Blake hugged me back. "The hickey?"

"I got her to do my makeup. You can wipe it if you want," Bryce smiled. Blake did and Bryce did the outro. Blake bent down and lifted me, making me wrap my legs around his waist. "That's my cue to leave," Bryce walked away and went to go see Noah. Blake took me up to the room and I smiled.

"I wouldn't cheat," I said. "I promise."

"Okay. Okay," Blake smiled and kissed me.

"Best boyfriend ever."

"I am. I'm so nice to you. I'm too nice to you." I laughed and he laid down next to me. "I hate the break up pranks. The the pregnancy pranks."

"Uh-Huh. Wait, we should bake something!" I told Blake.

"I suck at baking."

"Then this is a chance for you to improve!" I pulled him down and got all the ingredients out as Blake got the bowls and stuff.

"What are we making?"

"Cookies!" I smiled.

"Sure," Black chuckled and kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I pecked him on the lips once more before starting. We made cookies and they were really good. The kitchen was a mess since Blake and I got into a flour fight.

"You have to help me clean this up, Blake," I said. "Stop eating all the cookies."

"Fine, fine," he helped me and we took the cookies upstairs where we watched movies and ate them all. I set my head on his chest and he pet my hair. "okay. I'm gonna go head over to Griffin's place. I'll be back later."

"Do you have to go?" I asked.

"Yes. I'll be back. I promise." I nodded and let him go. I went and decided to go White Claw shopping for the boys. They were doing some challenge in the front and I let them have their fun. I got back with white claws and other alcohol and set it to the side.

"Ayy! She's back!" Bryce said and was filming. "We're throwing these weird balls at that White Claw. If you miss, you have to shotgun. If you win, you get $500. Wanna try?"

"Watch as she gets it on the first try," Josh laughed.

"I'll try," I said and stood where they told me too. I threw the ball and knocked the White Claw off the table on the first shot.

"Oh!" Josh and Bryce yelled and I smiled. Bryce sent me $500 and I took the White Claws and alcohol inside. Blake got back later and walked into our room with a mango White Claw. I gave a disgusted look and he snickered, sitting with me.

"A white claw is a white claw, babe," he smiled and sat. I took it from him and took a sip, handing it back. "I heard you throw better than Bryce, Josh, and J-Rod."

"I very much do. They throw like girls," I said.

"I think they just wanted the alcohol." He chuckled and kissed my temple.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Boring. I thought we'd have more fun, but Carson kept pulling Griffin away and stuff. Kio went to hang out with Riley and took Mochi with him. Then Quinton went to hang out with Cynthia."

"See? This is why I'm more fun," I said. "I at least hang out with you."

"You're fun either way, babe."

"I know. I'm amazing and you have no idea what you'd do without me." He laughed and I smiled.

"You're perfectly correct about that." He put his arm around me and leaned onto me, checking what I was doing on my phone. I went to the camera and flipped it to take a selfie. I positioned it to show both Blake and I, and he made a silly face. "I love you," he said and kissed the top of my head. I smiled and he set his drink aside.

"We should do something fun," I said as I straddled him and sat on his lap.

"Like what? We've baked cookies, we've been to Cold Stone and gotten cake..." He said.

"I've never seen snow. Let's go to Big Bear."

"To Big Bear?" Bryce walked in. "Blake's taking us to Big Bear?"

"I want him to," I said.

"Why?" Blake asked.

"It would be a fun road trip and you guys can get some content for your vlogs or something. It's just boring to stay in the house 24/7 and just roam around to your friend's house or something."

"I agree with that," Bryce said and leaned against the wall.

"Fine. We can go to Big Bear," Blake said.

"Big Bear?" Noah walked in.

"Big Bear. Blake's taking us!" I smiled.

"Who's coming?"

"I mean, we can ask the football boys and then Cece," Bryce said.

"I can go ask then if you guys wanna make plans," I said and got off of Blake, much to his disappointment.

"Yeah. Do that," Noah said. I went downstairs to where everyone was and told them about our idea of going to big bear.

"We'll come. Sure. But how many cars are we taking?" Hugh asked.

"Well, the boys are upstairs making the plans so I can get them," I said.

"Yeah." I got them and they explained everything.

"We're staying at a hotel for 7 days, we have to buy snacks for the road trip because it'll take a while to get there especially with the traffic, we have to buy the winter coats so we don't freeze. We'll take 3 cars. Blake, Bryce, Skylar, and I in one. Matt, Andre, and Hugh in one. Caden, Cece, and Brandon in the last," Noah decided.

"Works for us," they all said and we all took cars to go shopping. We got to the paring lot of Ralphs and grouped up.

"Okay. So we'll go in our car groups to find snacks we all want. Decide who pays," Bryce said. "I vote Skylar pays for the snacks in our group."

Counselor: Blake GrayWhere stories live. Discover now