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Percy, who seemed basically fearless, was scared of elevators.

As we rode up, I would continuously cast him glances every minute or so and see him seriously freaking out, even if his face was blank I could see the fear and panic in his eyes.

His hands are clenched around the metal bar thingy so tight that his knuckles are stark white.

He's holding his breath, he can hold his breath for a really long time, only letting it out every minute or so.

His forehead is beaded with sweat.

I feel kinda bad...

When we finally get to our destination, he basically sprints out of there like his life depends on it.

Percy, once to safety doubles over panting, I stride calmly out the elevator doors, casting him a curious glance.

He stands up and glares at me, obviously a bit embarrassed. But once he got that out of his system and turned to look at the room, it was almost comical the way his face went slack.

I chuckled slightly at the sight of his mouth hanging open and walked forward.

He gets himself together and follows me, I give him a quick tour of that floor, he was really ecstatic when we went to see the pool, but slowly his excitement turned to worry, even though I didn't know why.

He starts asking me weird questions.

"Sooo, this place is like 80 percent tech right?" he asks me nervously, his hands tapping at his sides. I give him a strange look but respond proudly with, "Try 90."

But instead of getting impressed his eyes widen and his hands start tapping faster, I was so confused, this was literally the exact opposite of the response I usually get, I mean Peter (yes Parker) always gets so excited when I show him a new project that I'm working on, and he's only like half a year older than Percy, you would think Percy would be excited to see all the advancements I've made.

Once we finish the tour, he seemed really alert, almost like he was expecting something bad to happen.

But me being stupid at the time, I thought that he was just missing his parents. So I tried to make him feel a bit better.

"It's not your fault your parents are missing ya know,"

He gives me a look and simply shakes his head, not even bothering to say anything back, but all of a sudden there was a bright light that came from outside, Percy stood up faster than I though humanly possible, but that's when I heard someone yell in a thick British accent, "Stark!!"

I relaxed, sat back down and waited for the person to burst through the door, Percy shot me a crazed look, (and he had his hand in his pocket for some reason) I just gave him a look that said, "Wait for it" and gestured for him to sit back down. He didn't know what I knew...

Thor's back.

A/N: Sorry about that cliffhanger (not really), I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has made it this far! I'm so grateful for all of you, I honestly never though in a million years that more than like 20 people would read this but here we are with 1K READS!??!?! LIKE WHAT THE HECK?!?! This means SO much to me, you honestly have no clue! I don't wanna be all sappy and annoying though (even though I already am lol) so I'll just say thanks for your support and even though this is legit nothing compared to other authors this means the world to me, thank you.

Anyway, enough with that, let me know what you think of this chapter and don't forget to Vote and Comment! I love you all so much see you next week!!

-M :)

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