A Sibling Reward

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This is something I've seen in a Dramione One Shot book and I really wanted to make an Adrienette version of it. Hope you enjoy!

"Great Job, Emma!" Marinette exclaimed. She was proud of her Kindergarten child. She was only 4 years old but the smartest in her class. She had certainly gotten her father's brains as well as her mother's hardworking skills.

"Thank you, Mommy!" She said. In happiness that her mom was proud of her but it was obvious there was something wrong.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Adrien said.

"Can I have a reward for getting good grades?" Her eyes shined with curiosity.

Marinette and Adrien froze and looked at each other. They had a conversation with their eyes before Marinette said, "Sure, Sweetie! We can go to the mall later."

"So do you want new toys? New books? Better school supplies? Technology?" Adrien said. He knew she had a decision in mind from the way her eyes were guarded but he wanted to give her any other options she might've not thought of.

"I want a sibling!" Emma said, excited.

The two adults in their late twenties jaws dropped. They weren't sure if they heard her correctly.

Emma noticed their confusion said, "Aunty Awya and Uncle Nino are giving Posie a sibling and I want one too!"

The couple stared at each other before Marinette piped up, "Sweetheart? You can't buy babies from the store."

"You can't?"

"Uhhh, no. A mom and dad have to sleep with each other to make a sibling." Adrien said, trying to make the process sound child friendly.

Emma frowned. "But you sleep next to each other everyday! Does that mean I can have a sibling everyday?"

"No!" Marinette yelled out in horror. It was too much. "Sweetie, it's a special thing moms and dads do to create your sibling."

"Then why can't you do it now! Then I can have a sibling now!" Emma said. She really, really wanted a sibling or someone she could at least play with.

"Let's just say that the storks come and drop them off with us parents!" Adrien said. He was happy he got something to stop the conversation from coming.

"Can the storks bring me a sibling now?" Emma asked.

"Maybe, Sweetheart. I'll go give them a call right now with Daddy."

Marinette walked up the stairs with Adrien trailing behind her. "So for the baby? Where'd you wanna go this summer, M'Lady?"

Marinette chuckled as he continued. "We could go to Spain, Paris, Venice, London? Maybe even all 4?"

"Oh, Kitty! My water might break by the time we reach London!" Marinette cried out.

Adrien's jaw dropped as his eyes shined with happiness. He motioned to her belly and said, "Are you?"

She nodded and held her stomach lovingly. Adrien began jumping up and down and he lifted her up and spun her around. When he set her down she said, "Careful Kitty! You know I get really dizzy when you do that."

"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to! Did I hurt the baby?" Adrien fretted.

"It's fine Kitty! I'm alright and so is the baby." Marinette comforted him while chuckling at his fretting.

They walked back down and Marinette said to Emma, "We talked to the storks and they said you'll be getting a sibling in around 8 months!"

Emma jumped up and down before running to her parents and squeezing the life out of them. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Your welcome honey," Adrien said.

Tada! I know it's pretty short but it was really fun to write and I thought it was really funny. Thanks so much to those frequent readears I've been seeing who are commenting! A special thanks to Someoneisnotherern for all the votes and comments so a huge shoutout to her/him. I'm pretty sure it's a her from her profile pic but you know, I can't be sexist. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the one shot.

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