What Are We?

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Leo's POV

    I woke up on one of the many chairs in my room. My eyes frantically looked around, trying to find the boy that I fell asleep with on my lap last night. I groaned as my body fell off the side of the chair, making a loud thud when I made contact with the wood floor. My head shot up, and I quickly pulled myself up to my feet so I could go check on Emmett. Good thing he left my room, the last thing that I need is for Frank to walk in and see the younger boy sleeping on me.
When I walked into Emmett's room, I took a second to just admire how cute he is when he's sleeping. I noticed something red from the corner of my eye. My eyes locked on the laundry basket. There was a bloody cloth hanging onto the ledge of the basket. As I got closer to the item, my eyes widened when I realized what it was.
"Holy shit." I picked up the underwear so I could look at the damage. My body turned around so I could look at the sleeping boy that was wrapped up in a black comforter. Tears began to brim my water lines.
What was I supposed to do? Should I ignore it, or should I question him about it? I decided that I was going to confront him about it, and hope that he tells me the truth. I closed my eyes and pulled myself together.
I will bring it up after he's done with school. I don't want him to be focused on it all day.
With that, I turned back around and placed the underwear back in the basket.
I went back to my room and got changed into new clothes before I went to go meet my dad in the living room.
When I walked into the room, I noticed Frank sitting on the couch while reading a book.
"Frank?" He shot his head up and closed the book, as he looked at me.
"Hey, I was thinking that Emmett should stay home today. He went through a lot yesterday, and I think he needs a bit more time before coming back to school with me." I nodded my head in agreement. "Do you think you could look after him today while I'm at work? Just to make sure he is okay and everything." My lips curled up into a big smile.
"Yeah, of course. I will be sure that he eats as well." Frank returned the smile and got up from his spot.
"Okay, good. I'm going to head off then." He walked to the front door with his keys in his hand and left.
I walked into Emmett's room and stood by his bed. Emmett groaned as I shook his shoulder to try and wake him up.
"Em, wake up." His eyes fluttered open, a smile grew on his face when he saw me. "Frank left. He wants you to stay home for a bit longer before officially going back." Emmett reached his hands out to me and held onto my arm. He then pulled me towards him. I almost fell onto the bed, but quickly regained balance.
"Cuddle?" Emmett looked up at me with his lower lip pushed out into a pout.
I chuckled and motioned for him to scoot over. He slowly moved over to the other side of the bed. He then tugged on my arm, successfully pulling me on the bed.
Emmett pulled the blanket up to cover both of our bodies.
I was lying flat on my back, allowing Emmett to place his head on my chest. His arm draped limply around my waist.
My hand started to play with his hair as my other arm was placed on his back. I could tell he fell asleep just off of the fact that his breathing was a lot slower, and it kept a consistent rhythm.
It didn't take too long for me to drift off as well.

Emmett's POV

My eyes shot open, and my body jerked up. I tried to stop myself from hyperventilating as I curled up into a ball with my back against the headboard. My body was drenched in sweat. I froze when I felt a warm body right next to me. When I looked over, I made eye contact with Leo. He looked concerned. I scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest, relaxing when his hand brushed threw my hair.
"What's wrong?" I gulped and focused on my breathing.
When I calmed down enough to look at him, I pulled away from his touch but kept a strong hold on his hand.
"Just a bad dream." I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I shook my head and gave his hand a soft squeeze.
"I will be fine." He raised my hand to his lips and placed a kiss on my knuckles. I practically climbed over Leo as I got out of bed. My breath hitched as I looked at the clock. It was almost noon.
"Hey, can we talk? I turned around to look at him. His eyes looked like they were filled with concern. He looked almost sad. I have never seen him like this before, it's making me nervous.
"Yeah, what's going on?" I sat right next to him on the bed, and placed my hand on his. He played with my fingers before intertwining them with his.
"Are you okay?" I gave him a confused look. Why is he asking me that, I should be the one asking him.
"Yeah, I'm great actually." My hand gave his a soft squeeze. He looked into my eyes as if he was trying to read me.
"Let me rephrase that. Are you physically okay?" Did he know something? I hope he didn't go through any of my things. I tensed up as I realized that I was only in boxers.
Fuck am I still bleeding. I quickly covered my lap in hopes that he didn't see anything.
"I- I" My hands started to shake. I bit my lower lip to keep myself from crying. He had to know. I was just standing, there is no way that the bleeding has already stopped. I looked away from him. How could I ever look at him again? He must think I'm disgusting.
"Emmett. I'm sorry." Tears escaped from the corners of my eyes, when I felt his arms wrap tightly around me. "I already saw it." I told you they would find out.
My breath hitched as I pulled away from him.
"You can't tell Frank." Leo slowly nodded his head.
"I won't, but I need you to talk to me." My throat felt dry. What do I tell him? That my father did me too hard? This was fucked on another level.
"The bleeding will stop soon. It normally takes afew days." Leo let out a frustrated sigh, and he used his finger to tilt my head so he could look at me.
"Nothing about this is normal. Is it causing any pain? What can I do to help you?" It was hard to look away from his glazed eyes.
"It hurts sometimes, it's not that big of a deal." Leo carefully caressed my cheek with his thumb. He looked like he was still trying to figure out if I was really okay.
"I know that we had only just met a few days ago, but I need you to know that I really care about you." I smirked at the thought of someone caring about me. If I knew that my life would turn into this, I would have never thought about ending my life.
I quickly kissed his cheek, and wrapped my arms around his waist. My body was practically on top of his. Leo carefully wrapped his arms around me.
"I care about you too." My head rested on his shoulder. I could feel his heart aggressively thumping against his chest.
"I'm going to go make lunch." Leo pulled away, but before getting up he pressed his lips against mine for a brief second. My stomach felt like it was going to burst. Is this the feeling everyone talks about when they fall in love? It's like I don't want to ever be away from him.
"I'll come with you!" I said cheerfully as I bounced off of the bed and leaned into him.
"I would love that, but I think you might want to wash up first and get dressed." My cheeks heated up, as I remembered for the second time now, that I was still only in boxers. He looked at me and chuckled before leaving the room.
I grabbed the shirt Leo picked out for me, along with black pants and new boxers. The shower took a good five minutes until it finally warmed up. I did my normal routine and then stepped out of the shower. After I got dressed, I brushed my teeth, and put on deodorant.
When I walked into the kitchen, Leo wasn't in there. The smile on my face faded, but then I remembered that he was probably in the dining room.
When I walked into the dining room, sure enough, Leo was sitting in a chair eating a bowl of soup. "You look good in that shirt." I chuckled, and sat down right next to Leo.
He placed his hand on my lower thigh, and smiled at me. "If you can't already tell, I poured some in a bowl for you." He used his other hand to gester to the bowl of soup right in front of me.
"Thank you." I picked up the spoon right next to it, and ate a few spoonfuls of soup.
Suddenly I thought about something, and it kind of scared me. I want to know, but I also don't want to know if it's bad.
I placed the spoon back into the bowl, suddenly losing my appetite.
"Leo?" He stopped eating to look at me.
"What's up?" His voice was calm, but it also had a hint of concern.
"What are we?" He let out a soft sigh, and sat up a bit in his chair. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked as if he was questioning what he should say.
"I- I don't know. I mean I like you, but what do you want us to be?" My cheeks felt like they were on fire.
"I asked you first." I looked at him, and watched as pink dusted his cheeks.
"Okay, well I want to do this the proper way so..." He held onto my hand, and kissed the top of it before continuing. " Emmett, will you be my boyfriend?" I laughed and tightened my grip on his hand.
"Yeah. I will be your boyfriend, but that better mean that you're mine." Leo kissed me softly.
"Of course." he mumbled against my lips, before connecting them to his again. He pulled away after a few seconds. I pressed my forehead against his. "I'm sorry to wreck this amazing moment, but you have to do your school work before Frank gets home." I sighed as I leaned back in my chair.
"Fuck. I really wish school wasn't a thing right now." I mumbled and got up from the chair.
"Do you want me to help you, or will I be a distraction?" I let out a quiet chuckle, and turned back to look at him.
"Yes, and yes." Leo frowned at me but then got up and dragged me to my room.
He grabbed my backpack and dumped everything that was in it onto the bed.
Before I could stop him, it was too late, he already noticed the shiny object that fell onto the sheet. I gasped and reached out for it. He looked at the object with a blank expression on his face. Right before I got a hold of the object, Leo quickly picked it up. I watched as he carefully inspected it. I was speechless.
"It has blood on it. Why?" He looked a bit hurt, it pained me to see him like that.
"It's from a while ago. I haven't cut sense the night you saw them." He still looked disappointed. He didn't react like this when he helped me clean up the cuts from a few nights ago.
"Em, please never do this again. I never want to see you resort to this." He had tears along his water lines. I felt like shit for ever doing this. I never knew someone would actually care.
"I can't promise you that I wont do this again, but I will try my best not to." I felt my cheeks getting wet.
"Please come to me if you ever feel like doing anything like this. I know how it feels to hide them from everyone. I never want to see you in that much pain." Leo had tears rolling down his cheeks as he lifted his sleeves to show off the scars that filled his arms. I lightly touched his skin with my fingertips, brushing against the slightly raised lines on his arm.
"I will come to you. I'm-*hiccup* sorry. Please don't cry." He made sure I was looking at him as he used his hand to wipe something off my face.
"I could tell you the same thing." It was then I noticed that I was crying as well.
"Can we just do what we came here to do?" Leo nodded his head, and pulled his sleeves back down.
"Yeah." I opened up my school books and got to work. Leo stayed right next to me. For most of the time he had his head against my shoulder, as I did my school work.
I was about to move when I finished, but stopped when I noticed Leo was asleep on my shoulder. He looked so peaceful, but I really had to pee.
"Leo." I whispered, and tapped his shoulder. He grumbled and sat up.
"Fuck, did I fall asleep? I'm sorry." I chuckled then kissed his cheek.
"It's fine. I'm already done, I just need to pee." I got up and rushed to the bathroom.
When I was done I walked back into my room to see Leo fast asleep again.
I smiled, as I cleaned up my school stuff. I grabbed the razer and walked to the kitchen. My body felt like it was moving in it's own. When the item fell into the trash can, I let out a long sigh.
I went back to my bedroom, it was only two so Frank won't be back until four. I got into bed and snuggled up next to Leo, I felt his arms wrap around me, and pull me closer to him. My heart felt whole for the first time ever. Is this how it feels to love someone? Is this even possible? I have only known him for a few days, but it feels like I've known him for years.
I couldn't fall asleep so I just stayed right next to him as he slept. After an hour passed, I decided to walk him up.
I kissed his cheek a few times, before touching his jaw with my hand. When I kissed his nose he finally woke up.
"Well this is a nice thing to wake up too." I kissed him quickly, and then got off of the bed.
"Can we do something other than cuddle all day? I feel like we have done a lot of that today." I giggled. When I grabbed his arm, I helped him get off of the bed.
"Where is the blade?" I frowned. Why did he have to bring that up right when he wakes up?
"I threw it away. You can go look in the kitchen's trash bin if you would like." I crossed my arms against my chest.
"I don't need to. I trust you." That made me smile. He pulled me against his chest and swayed a bit as he held me.
"How about I put on some music?" I kissed his jaw and then nodded my head. Leo pulled out his phone and turned on a slow but soft song. I placed my arms on his shoulders, as he wrapped his arms around my waist. My head rested against his chest, as he slowly swayed us back and forth. He kissed the top of my head leaving his lips to linger there for a few seconds. I have never felt so close to someone before. I never wanted to let go. He made me feel wanted, and I have never felt that way before now. He gave me hope, hope that life can get better, and that love is real.
"Do you wanna go somewhere tomorrow?" Leo whispered gently as he placed a hand on my lower back.
"I will take whatever you offer as long as I get to spend more time with you." My heart fluttered, as he leaned his head against mine.
"You're amazing." The song ended, but he continued to hold me.
"So are you." I have never felt so safe, so cared for. I never want this to end.

2,888 words

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