I Can Help You

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Leo's POV

When we got back home after confessing our feelings for each other, I went into the kitchen to make something for lunch.

"What would you like to eat, Love?" Emmett stood in the doorway of the kitchen. He looked like he was deep in thought.

"Umm, I will have whatever sounds good to you." I take out some fruit and vanilla yogurt. I felt Emmett's hands wrap around my waist as I started to make two yogurt parfaits. When I finished he finally let me go.

"Go sit your ass down. I will be out in just a second." Emmett let out a small huff, but still turned to leave the kitchen, of course he was very dramatic about it. I watched as he swayed his hips side to side, trying to make his butt look bigger than it really is. Before walking through the door he turned his head to face me and blew me a kiss along with winking at me. I swear to god, he is such a damn tease. I chuckled and brought the two bowls into the dining room, setting one in front of Emmett and the other in front of my seat.

"You really like to tease me with that fine ass of yours." Emmett's face grew a deep shade of red.

"I can do many more things with it other than swinging it in front of you." He's voice was filled with playful sarcasm.

"We will test out that theory later, but for now we should eat." He rolled his eyes, and gave me a smile. After Emmett ate a few bites I decided to dig into my own.

"So I was thinking that it might be important to tell you that I have stopped bleeding." He held a straight face as he told me this. I couldn't help but give him a big smile, and place my hand on his thigh.

"That's amazing!" He looked at me a bit confused but he shrugged it off. "Why don't you seem happy about it? Isn't that a good thing?" I slid my hand off his thigh, and frowned.

"Yeah, it's good. I'm happy that I won't have that constant reminder of what happened every time I pull down my pants." I nodded my head to show my understanding. He had a weak smile twitched upon his lips.

"I love you." Emmett's smile turned more genuine. His eyes seemed to light up to my words.

"I love you too." I leaned closer to him, meeting him halfway and connecting our lips. His hands gripped my hips. I let out a little yelp when he jabbed my side with his finger.

"What the fuck Emmett!" I playfully yelled at him. The look of fear flashed in his eyes. Emmett's body started to tremble, and tears flooded his water lines. I instantly regret my reaction. He got up from the chair and ran out of the room. Before I could get up I heard the bathroom door slam shut. "Shit shit shit." I mumbled under my breath as I ran towards the bathroom door. I could hear him crying behind the door. I pushed on the door handle but it was locked. "Emmett, please open the door." His choked sobs tore my heart to shreds.

"N- no." Emmett's voice was shaky, and full of fear. Why did I do that? I should have known that, that would trigger him. I am such a terrible boyfriend, and we have only been officially together since yesterday. I pressed my forehead against the wood that blocked me from the one I love.

Emmett's POV

He didn't mean to do that. What if he hates me. I didn't try to make him mad. You make everyone's life a living hell. Why don't you go make yourself feel better? You will always have your best friend. I'm sure you can find one in here somewhere. I quickly search through the drawers in the bathroom. I found a razor in the back of the bottom drawer.

"Why does this always happen?" I whisper to myself. I can hear Leo telling me to open the door, but then he stops.

"Why does what always happen?" His voice sounded frantic. "Emmett tell me what you mean by that." I could hear Leo's voice shake as he spoke. He sounded sad, and desperate.

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