Spiraling Backwards

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TW!!! This chapter contains indications of rape.

Emmett's POV

        "Emmett, wake up." I slowly opened my eyes, startling myself when I saw Frank standing right next to my bed.

       "G-good morning sir." I said as I pulled the covers up to my chin so I could cover up the shirt I was wearing.

        "We have to leave for school in ten minutes." Frank smiled brightly, but that quickly turned to a frown when he saw the color drain from my face. I completely forgot that I was going with Leo to school. I would have to see 'him' again along with Connor and his friends.

My stomach twisted at the thought of going back there.

        "I don't think I can go back." I whispered while sitting up. Frank gave me a sympathetic look.

        "You don't have to go if you're not ready." Frank said, tilting his head slightly to the side. I looked down at my lap, debating what I should do.

        'Would Leo get mad at me? I don't want to see him mad at me. I also don't want to be called homophobic slurs and get beat up by some kids when Leo isn't looking.'

        "Thank you." I watched as Frank gave a slight nod of his head and then walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. I laid back down, curling up into a tight ball underneath the covers. Hopefully Leo won't be mad about this.

Leo's POV

        I walked over to my dad's car, and was about to open the door.

        'I haven't seen Emmett yet. I hope he's in the car.' Opening the door, I sat down in the passenger seat. I looked over my shoulder only to be greeted by empty seats. Before I could get out of the car to go find Emmett; Frank came into the car, sitting down in the driver's seat.

        "Close the door, you're making the car cold."Frank doesn't even look at me, he just starts the car and puts his seatbelt on.

Confused, I just closed the door and put my seatbelt on as well.

        "What about Emmett?" I asked, as I fiddle with my phone. Frank sighed and started backing out of the driveway.

        "He said he's not ready." He said with a small frown.

'Why didn't he tell me?' I unlocked my phone and texted Emmett.

Leo: 'Call me at noon.' After I sent the message, I noticed that we had already pulled into a parking space at the school. Getting out of the car, I quickly went to my class.


        It's about three minutes before the class is dismissed for lunch. The students are working on a one page story that is due tomorrow. So I was sitting in the back of the room having nothing to do.

'What should I say to him? Do I tell him that I'm upset that he didn't tell me that he wasn't coming to class with me?' I was ripped away from my thoughts by the bell ringing. I got up and opened the classroom door to let everyone out.

        "Good work guys! I'll see you tomorrow." Most students smiled as they left but some would give me a smirk and a wink.

        After the classroom empties except for Mr. Doxis, I quietly sighed. "I need to make a phone call. I will be right back." He looked up at me and nodded his head, then quickly went back to a book he had open. I walked out of the classroom, and down to a deserted hallway.

Because Of YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora