Night of Promises

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Leo's POV

It's been a week since Emmett was attacked. He is starting to act more like himself. Emmett still won't take kisses, but he is definitely more clingy than he was before. I can't say that I hate it though. We basically cuddle all day.

Christmas is tomorrow and I still have to get something for Emmett. I want to make tomorrow special for him since he has never had a proper Christmas. I was thinking of getting him black Dr. Martens boots. He has mentioned them a few times within the past month. That would be the present I can give him in front of Frank. The present I want to give him alone is a promise ring. I already went to a jeweler to order it last week. I got a call saying that it's done last night. I guess my plan for today is to go pick up the ring and the boots.


Emmett's POV

I don't know what to do. I have absolutely no money, and I need to get Leo something for tomorrow. If I wasn't such a little bitch then I would have just seduced him or something. I can't bring him out on a date or buy him something nice.

It's all so stressful. He deserves so much more than what I can provide. For christ's sake, I wake up to him leaving the bed in the middle of the night. One time I decided to see what he was doing after he was gone for about ten minutes. He's been jerking off in the bathroom because I can't satisfy him. I didn't know if I should have started crying or laughing at how desperate he was.

I can figure something out. Maybe I could put something together for just the two of us later. I could give him extra cuddles, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one benefiting from that. I will come up with something eventually.

Leo said that he was going to be gone most of the day so I get to stay here with Frank. That's not a bad thing though. We are going to finish decorating the tree while Leo's gone doing whatever he had planned.


"Emmett, can you hand me the tree topper please?" Frank asked as he placed the last few ornaments onto the tree. I picked up the silver star and handed it to him. "What do you want to do for dinner?" Frank asked as he carefully placed the star on top of the tree.

"Pizza?" I asked. Frank gave a nod of his head before pulling out his phone. I walked out of the living room and over to my bedroom.

On my dresser was a small yellow sticky note. Carefully I picked it up and looked at the small cursive handwriting.

'What do you think about a round two?'

My heart was pounding against my chest. I shoved the note into the top drawer of my dresser. I want Leo, but he's gone. I only have Frank and that just doesn't feel like enough. I still had bruises all over my body. The rawness that I once had on my skin was gone.

I could show Frank the note, but I don't want to go to him about this. I just need Leo.

I could feel the back of my throat close up and my mouth go dry. I can't do this again. What if it's for even longer? The pain was the worst I've ever felt. I would rather break my leg than to go through the pain again. Thankfully Frank got me a new phone after mine got crushed. Leo has been gone for about three hours, and I don't know how much longer he was planning on staying out.

I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Leo.


Emmett: 'Please come home.'

I started pacing around the room as I waited for him to reply. Thankfully not even a minute later my phone buzzed.


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