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Emmett's POV

In only two hours I will be eighteen. My brain is going a thousand miles per hour with thoughts of what could go wrong tomorrow. I'm currently laying in bed next to a sleeping Leo who has my back pressed against his chest with his arms loosely hanging over me.

Little do I know that he is actually awake as well. I only noticed that after I felt him shift slightly next to me.

"You still awake?" I whispered while trying to look over my shoulder. The feeling of his nose on the back of my neck caused a shiver to run down my spine. His hot breath hitting the same spot every time.

"Yeah," Leo huffed out half asleep. I instantly regret asking as I can hear how tired he is. I let out a soft sigh and snuggled a bit closer to him, in hopes of getting some kind of comfort.

"You should be asleep." My voice cracked due to how quiet I was when talking. Leo's arms tightened around me and then he placed a quick but gentle kiss on the back of my neck.

"I could say the same to you," Leo said as his grip loosened again. The feeling of security was lost when he moved a few inches away from me. As quickly as he moved away, I scooted closer to him again. Leo let out a small groan and then moved away again, but kept his arm around me.

"Why are you moving away?" I asked in a sarcastic disappointed tone. Slowly, I rolled over to see his eyes partially closed.

"It's warm in here. But if you really want to cuddle then we can," Leo's eyes fully closed and I could tell that he was about to pass out.

Instead of moving closer to him again, I just rolled back over and tried my best to fall asleep. '


I crawled lazily off of the bed and walked over to the mirror. My eyes had dark bags under them due to the zero sleep I got last night. Leo on the other hand is still asleep. It's almost six in the morning and he has to go to work today.

I walked over to Leo's sleeping form and softly called out for him. After a few times of him barely shifting, he finally opened his eyes to look at me.

"Hmm?" Leo hummed before rolling away from me. Quickly I grabbed onto his shoulder and pushed him back over so he was facing me again.

"You have to go to work," I said to him while pulling the blanket away.

"Ugh, fine." Leo moved off of the bed and walked over to his dresser. His facial expression was not one to welcome. He seemed almost irritated about something.

"Are you upset about something?" I asked carefully, trying not to make him more agitated.

"No, I just want to go back to bed," Leo mumbled as he pulled on new clothes. I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and placing gentle kisses on his cheek. Leo lightly pushed me away so he could leave the room without another word. His behavior confused me greatly.

'I have never seen him act like this before. He didn't even say happy birthday or anything. Did he forget?'

I pulled on clean clothes and then left his room as well. Unfortunately, it seems as if Frank and Leo have already left. Letting out a rough sigh, I walked back to the room to get my phone.

As I unlocked it, I pulled up my messages to see that I had one unread. Clicking on the message icon, Frank's contact came up.


Frank: 'Happy birthday!'

Instead of replying, I just clicked off of his contact and onto Leo's.

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