Be Brave

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Warning! This chapter contains sensitive content.

Emmett's POV

       ' My eyes fluttered open, and my body was immediately filled with unbearable pain.

        Above me was one of my father's closest friends. Looking down I noticed that neither of us had clothes on and he was pursuing me much to my discomfort.

I tried to get away, but my hands and legs didn't budge. Instead, I could feel my skin rubbing sorely on what feels to be rope.

         "Get off of- AHH," I tried to squirm away from him, but his already tight grip on my hips became bone-crushing. He attacked my neck with deep bites to my sensitive skin.

         "~Good morning Kitten~" The man teased before stopping to grab something off of the side table by my bed. "Open your mouth." He said demandingly. I turned my head away from him and I kept my lips tightly pressed together.

The man bit my shoulder harshly making me shriek from the pain. He used this opportunity to shove the gag into my mouth and then tightly tied it around my head.

I could only let out muffled whimpers as he started where he left off. Tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes.

The man suddenly placed his hand on my neck, squeezing it tightly causing me to choke.'

      My eyes shot open only to see that Leo was on top of me with his hands pinning my wrists against my sides. My heart was racing and my breathing was rapped. I could feel sweat all over my body, along with tears covering my face.

This was all too similar to what happened yesterday. He wouldn't do anything to me though, right? I tried to get out of his hold, but he was too strong.

        "No!" I screamed as I continued to try to get away from him.

Leo looked at me with concern written all over his face.

        "It's okay," Leo said calmly as he tried to get me to stop moving.

        "Please get off of me." I was whimpering in fear. I don't want to feel trapped like that ever again, but yet here I was being pinned down by my own boyfriend.

        Leo quickly got off of me and sat down beside me on his bed. I scurried away from him, pressing my back against the headboard. I brought my knees up to my chest, as I eyed Leo across from me.

        "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." Leo held up his hands a little as if to surrender. My heartbeat slowed down and I was finally able to catch my breath.

       Without a second thought, I crawled over to him, burying myself against his chest. My arms wrapped under his armpits, my hands tightly gripping at his shoulders. Leo's arms slowly wrapped around me, being careful like as if I was so fragile that I would break any second.

        "I'm sorry," I mumbled against his shirt. I was confused about what was happening and what has already happened. I knew Leo wouldn't hurt me, but yet I was still petrified.

        "I should be the one apologizing. It must have been scary to wake up to me holding you down." Leo said quietly as he rubbed my back slowly.

        "Why were you on me?" I asked, confused about the situation.

        "You were moving around a lot and whimpering. I was scared that you would accidentally hurt yourself." He said before kissing the side of my head. I was about to pull away from him, but a sudden pain shot up my spine causing me to yelp. I must have been so distracted that I didn't feel the pain earlier.

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