❥Eight - Confession & Heartbreak

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The weather was awfully pleasant. White fluffy clouds drifting across the azure sky, the radiant rays of the sun shone brilliantly. Despite the oppressive heat of the summer, the birds were chirping cheerfully on the background. The day was almost too perfect.

However, the atmosphere between the pair seated on the bench under the shade of the tree was rather not pleasant. The vibe was grim and awkward, nobody uttered a word and it already had been about ten minutes since they were seated.

Hands fiddling with the cool can drink as the coolness slowly evaporated from it, Jimin started to get avid. He followed the raven-haired girl because she wanted to talk to him and now she was sitting there, beside him like a rock, no movement or so.

The blonde male glanced at her still and calm form. She had her eyes closed, looking like she was enjoying the serene environment. He took the opportunity to observe the beauty beside him. He hadn't seen for weeks, so seeing her now he realized how much he had missed her. She looked beautiful to him.

However he realized slight difference in her appearance. Her small figure looked even dainty, she looked like she lost some weight. Her beautiful eyes now carrying bags underneath them. Her face looked even smaller and skinnier, and skin even paler making her beautiful raven hair stand out more. For some reason she looked weak.

A part of his heart sank at the sight. She looked so fragile and weak. That awfully pale face. Even though she was not the most cheerful and enthusiastic before, he couldn't help but feel sad at the sight.

Everly opened her eyes, and slowly turned to the side to meet Jimin's eyes who was looking at her with concern. Jimin's eyebrows slightly creased, eyes unsure of what he was seeing. Those beautiful ocean eyes, looked dull and void. Never had he thought he would see those mesmerizing eyes turn into dull and emotionless.

Everly watched him, as his eyebrows creased when their eyes met. With those eyes of his, it didn't took her a second to realize he had noticed her state. She was aware she looked like a mess, because these past few days hadn't been pleasant to her. It was nightmare and more were to come.

She felt her heart clench at that. The look on his face was strange to her and those eyes too. Those eyes that laid on her so beautifully and warmly now was looking at her strangely.

Her lips almost twitched, ready to flash him a smile. But would it be alright if she did that? No, it would only bring unwanted hope. Everything would be tenfold hard for her. She was afraid, things wouldn't go like the way she had planned. She gulped.

"How have you been?" her voice cold and monotonous. The blonde male frowned even more at that, more like glaring. Her voice felt so cold and distant. And more than that she had the audacity to ask how he was after ghosting her for almost two weeks.

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