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Third Person POV

"No! there is no way that he is not existing! I feel him, I touched him, We make love and then h-e he l-ove-s b-y m-e, yeah he does! So don't say to me that he is not existing!"

In the doctors mind they think he completely goes insane after waking up, they think this just the side effect. They just nodded agreeing in defeat getting disappointed to his sayings and believes saying and believing his angel is true, but yes and no.

No I think because is he really not existing? yeah maybe in this

Yes because he really---

"NO NO HE EXIST! HE REALLY DOES! PLEASE BELIEVE ME! I'M NOT CRAZY!" then the doctor injected the so called crazy patient then the patient is trying to escape the grip even though every
second he is getting weaker and weaker maybe because of that injected thingy or maybe he can't believe that his love of his life is
not really existing.

A/N: what do you think guys? should I continue writing this or nah?

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