On top of this ending tune, I am standing here alone

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oh darling
you really believe
that stories you've heard
actually have
happy endings?

Recommending to play the song above, or just listen to the song called " Unchained melody by righteous brother"

Third Person POV

the patient the they've been waiting to wake up for a years, suddenly woke up, finding his Jimin.


"No! there is no way that he is not existing! I feel him, I touched him, We make love and then h-e he l-ove-s b-y m-e, yeah he does! So don't say to me that he is not existing!" the patient shouted.

In the doctors mind they think he completely goes insane after waking up, they think this just the side effect. They just nodded agreeing in defeat getting disappointed to his sayings and believes saying and believing his angel is true, yes and no.

No I think because is he really not existing? yeah maybe in this world.

Yes because he really exist, but already dead.

"NO NO HE EXIST! HE REALLY DOES! PLEASE BELIEVE ME! I'M NOT CRAZY!" then the doctor injected the so called crazy patient then the patient is trying to escape the grip even though every
second he is getting weaker and weaker maybe because of that injected thingy or maybe he can't believe that his love of his life is not really existing.

-end of flashback

the patient that shouting a while ago, after they injected him, he became a walking and living dead. he stared blankly to the wall.

he woke up and his face is like a blank canvas that been waiting to be painted. eyes filled with sorrow, eyes that hard to read, that when you stare into them you will eventually fall for how deep that you can't just found it by just staring at those eyes. But his eyes somehow look heavy at the same time so innocent, a doe glowing eyes looking at you seems so cute but not at him. You will be scared how dead and tired he looks. He talked to no one. He just wanted to talk to the one person he loves the most, to named the specific person, It's Jimin of course. The one and only.

the patient named Jeon Jungkook, stared to the wall, reminiscing the memories created not so long time ago, the cute boy that not failed to make his heart flatter, how they "accidentally meet each other", how fate is so playful to them, how destiny biased to them that destiny even let them meet again but the world is so cruel that they need to meet in the deep sleep of the boy named Jungkook, in his imagination. He open his mouth, a words with melody starting to be heard, hearing a gasp from everyone.

Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time

a tears escaped from the eyes of the patient as he continue to sing, the people in the room just started to tear up, the voice is really powerful, it helds so much emotion, that eventually make people cry, because in that way, they will know if your words is telling that you're sad or not. But the case of Jungkook? You just don't need to hear the whole song, the first verse  that will slip into his mouth will make you cry easily, do he need to fall into deep slumber again just to be with his lover or to just even catch a last glance to his lover's smile? He is willing to risk everything, but isn't it too selfish? He got a chance already, and yet it's not enough. He is not satisfied.

Time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?

tears are betraying him once again, as the tears strolled his cheeks wetting his hospital gown, as he remembered how the his corny jokes make his Jimin laugh. How his lover's eyes turns into precious fits of crescents moon while he's on the cloud nine. How they make love, how the moan and his name escape to his mouth, not so disgusting not so flirty but it's just so perfect. How innocent the older looked while he pounded harder. Oh how he loved every part and inch of the olders body, face and everything.                       

I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me

he harshly wipe his tears away, smiling pretending to be okay even he is not, the tears continuosly fall, trying to wipe it again and again and the emotion the tears and the sadness that had been suppressed earlier were suddenly released ,and cry turns into sob. He remembered how jealous his lover was. How cute he is when he pouted stucking out his bottom plump lip. A faint smile flashed in the younger's emotionless face.

Lonely rivers flow
To the sea, to the sea
To the open arms of the sea
Lonely rivers sigh
"Wait for me, wait for me"
I'll be coming home, wait for me

"Thank you for existing again in my imagination, Jimin, Chim, Baby, your kookie, baby loves you very much! I will always love you, your memories will be always remained and remembered. Until we meet again.." He whispered as he closed his eyes.

you believe it wrong
because in this world
there is no such things
"happy endings"

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