Cause I played it cool, when I'm scared of letting go

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The happiness
that I've been feeling lately,
feels so divine

Jungkook's POV

I'm not walking where we bumped each other, I've been thinking of what my life really means. what a happiness really means to me. The sea was vaporously exhaling its mist. The flowing of the tide was languorous. The ocean was forging its own sea-song. The gasping waves were waiting for full tide. In fact I seemed lost in a sea of uncertainty, the thoughts of mine and the sadness I've been feeling a while ago is already forgotten.

I sat down feeling a bit tired, of everything. my life was a mess. my rich crazy parents seemed so lost to their money, and forgetting their own son, like the money seems to buy everything but It's not, no matter how rich we are, the time, attention, love and care I needed the most can't be given. so I did what I really need to do and want to do not so long time ago. leaving them, having own life is hard, working, living with your own, but I'm contented. I thought having a complete family and wealthy life is like having a perfect life, but It's not. What I thought is wrong. really wrong.

the realization hits me, when I reached the age of 15. It's my 15th birthday, everything and everyone is in there. a party, gifts, foods, entertainer, some friends of mine, and just our maids. My parents? in their business trip. not attending their own son's birthday, what a happy birthday it is right? their even don't have a time for me! when we are all together, they always talk about business, business and business. fuck that business. give back my loving and caring parents!

my tears escaped my eyes once again, It continuously fall and fall and fall, not minding the possibility of someone is looking at me, but I'm thankful that no one. my emotions mixed with sadness, anger, loneliness and so on, but the word happiness is not in my vocubolary right now.

Remember the way you made me feel
Such young love but
Something in me knew that it was real
Frozen in my head

a picture of a little boy flashed in my mind as I started singing, laughing while staring at me, my heart beat unconsiously, familiarizing the boy, but I can't.

Pictures I'm living through for now
Trying to remember all the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part, paper hearts
And I'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it
Hoping that you won't forget about it

"kookie, promise me that don't you ever forget me?" the familiar voice said

"of course hyung, I won't ever forget you!" I said happily, as we are swaying our cradle holding hands with each other.

Everything is gray under these skies
Wet mascara
Hiding every cloud under a smile
When there's cameras
And I just can't reach out to tell you
That I always wonder what you're up to

a sudden memory flashed, thinking who that boy is, as the memory flashed is all blurred, but that voice.. is so familiar.

Pictures I'm living through for now
Trying to remember all the good times
Our life was cutting through so loud
Memories are playing in my dull mind
I hate this part, paper hearts
And I'll hold a piece of yours
Don't think I would just forget about it
Hoping that you won't forget

kookie? hmm kookie. sounds so familiar, who called me that nickname? I don't know anymore.

I live through pictures
As if I was right there by your side
But you'll be good without me
And if I could just give it some time
I'll be alright

"kookie, I'm sorry." the little boy said, crying while reaching my hand but I shoved his hand.

"hyung why!? don't you love me too?" I said shouting at him, a tears continuously fall, as he shook his head, means no. I walked away as I can't hold the pain anymore, leaving him crying.

as soon as I finished singing a familiar voice said,

"That's my favorite song and you just sang it beautifully, I think I'm in love." someone said and chuckled, as I turned around... and saw

"J-Jimin?!" I shockingly asked, stuttering. missing this person in front of me so much.

But did you think this happiness
will last long? y'know maybe sadness
will hunt me sooner or later

𝐄 𝐗 𝐈 𝐒 𝐓 / 𝐉𝐣𝐤+𝐏𝐣𝐦 ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora