I've never felt this way again

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You said you'll come back
I believe in you
so here I am waiting for the
words you said come true

Jungkook's POV

A months passed, there's still no Jimin, as he said that he's not leaving me, but who I am to believe? Am I his boyfriend or something? no. He's not mine, but I'm his. He don't love me but I do love him. this world is so cruel. As I'm walking again to the place we bumped each other. thinking that I could meet him there again, but there's no sign of Jimin there and everywhere

Walking home with a disappointment written on my face, thinking I could see him again there, walking to the place we bumped each other, everyday there wishing there's a boy waiting for me under the tree, smiling at me turning his eyes to a fits of crescent moon, but my wish didn't came true.

As soon as I arrived at my called "home", I tossed myself to the couch, lying there as tiredness visited me again, as always.

What If I gave up? It's been a month since we got to see each other, and got to bond like we are together, but we are not.
sad reality hits me. truth really hurts, right? you don't need to answer that god damn question Jeon, you know how it feel, why you even bother to ask yourself?

I lazily walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge, but I forgot what I need to do, this is your fault Jimin! a tears escaped my eye, as the tears continue to fall and to fall and to fall. This tears are so traitor so are Jimin. Can't I just be mad at him? yeah you can't. you definitely can't. I let a frustrated sigh, wiping my tears away.

climbing upstairs, definitely don't want to do what I need to do, suddenly remember that I just need to drink a water! How come it turned out like this!? I just need a water, scared built inside me as the memories earlier came back, then what if you let your emotions control you again? what if you breakdown again, too many question inside my head is getting thrown but me myself and I, don't know the exact answer to that questions getting thrown at me.

Deciding to just sleep. closing my eyes, I can't sleep what happened?!  A little while ago tiredness and sleepiness is already in the front of my door knocking then the breakdown happened and this. Why can't I just drink water and sleep peacefully?!

As my tears fall endlessly once again, hugging my pillow thinking  the pillow is him. the sleepiness I've been wanting a while ago, finally visited me.

But whenever
I believe in someone
you know what always I got?
a disappointment.

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