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He searched frantically, racing across the rocky plateau. You had run into Monspeet and Galand while on a mission with Ban. Monspeet was left to fight Ban and Galand went to chime in but you proved him to be quite a challenge.

Needless to say after hours of battling under the high noon sun, you and Ban had grown apart drastically. Now that Monspeet and Galand had retreated, it left Ban worried immensely.

You hadn't shown up anywhere, nowhere near where you two had been on your mission. Nowhere near Ban and his battlefield. It wasn't anything like you. After a battle, you'd always check in with your comrades to see if they're alright. You were nowhere to be found.

Just this morning you two were alone on your mission. You have loved Ban for over 12 years since the disbanding of the Seven deadly sins. You finally got over your fears and decided to tell him. Of course, you tried to be indirect so you wouldn't be seen as a sappy love-stricken woman.

"Aw come on! You gotta admit I looked pretty amazing,"

"Ban you looked an old man!"

Your laughed echoed out the holler, as Ban looked playfully offended at you.

"Hey! You tryna say you don't like me with a beard?"

"I wouldn't like you any less old-timer!"

"Ay! This is what happens when you tell a woman your age, they never let you live it down,"

You couldn't help but laugh, your hair flowing behind you in the slight breeze.

"Oh come on Ban, you know I'm just playing. I could care less how old you are, even with a beard"

"Aw, if I didn't know better I'd say someone's fallen for my manly charm"

"Who's to say I haven't?"

The laughter slowly died out. You kept a confident composure, however, and walked on past. Unseen to you Ban looked taken back with a huge grin on his face. With a huff of disbelief, he shakes his head catching up to her.

"Did you just say what I think you said, princess?"

You quirk an eyebrow as he shamelessly attempts to flirt with you. Your (e/c) eyes shining with the suns rays,

"You heard me, hotshot,"

His magenta eyes sparkle as they narrow challengingly. As he's about to shoot a snarky reply you cut him off,

"If you truly want to know my meaning behind my words then I suggest we hurry to wrap up this mission. Maybe I'll tell you before we get to the Tavern if you're lucky,"

Freeing a wagon of people being fed to the Ten Commandments. That was your mission. You both succeeded and with ease but on your way back to the Tavern, that's when it happened.


He was racing as far as he could weaving through the holler. As he stepped on the edge of the cliff he looked down to the clearing below.

Nanatsu no Taizai One-shots!! Seven Deadly SinsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora