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"What do you mean, 'I won't understand'? Meliodas-"

"It's as simple as I said it (Y/n) you just won't understand,-"

Meliodas turned to look over his shoulder his dark eyes harshly glaring at you. Your heart felt as if it was breaking, over the past 50 years you were not only betrothed to Meliodas but you were also in a loving, tender relationship that bloomed from a deep friendship. Now he was used to leaving every night not bothering to return to you, or let you know when he would come back.

This continued for months as the Holy war waged on but one night you had enough, although you were an outcasted demon for your big heart and kindness-you refused to be played for a fool. You waited until Meliodas had left before silently pursuing him from above, your small fragile (f/c) wings guiding you behind him.

You came to a small secluded waterfall and what you saw broke every last one of your hearts. Meliodas, the love of your life, was there hand in hand with the kind goddess Elizabeth. You felt your knees weaken, eventually collapsing to the grass below.

You had no control of the soft yet pained whimper that left your lips as hot tears poured from your once eccentric (e/c) eyes. You felt so much pain inside your chest yet your senses to the world around you numbed. Your wings drooped and trembled with your shallow, jagged breaths.

You were confused, he promised you that he loved you so much he vowed to make you a perfect world to rule with you. He wanted peace with the goddesses just like you wanted, he wanted to see you every morning of every day and smile at the way the crown of his queen would sit so elegantly upon your head.

He wanted to spend eternity with you as his queen. So what was he doing... smiling at her-your breath caught in your throat. Your eyes widened in fear... his eyes, they weren't dark like he usually was when he was around others. It was the emerald green he only allowed you to see.

'He said he loved me... he wouldn't lie.. would he?'

You stumbled to stand like a newborn fawn. You bite down on your tongue to prevent yourself from sobbing before you tried to fly away with trembling wings. You soared off back to the castle, not noticing the fact Meliodas and Elizabeth both heard you.

"Meliodas? Who was that?"

Her golden eyes shined with worry as she pulled her hands away to her chest. Meliodas looked up confused as he tried to remember the silhouette moments ago.

"I'm not sure,-"

He cut himself off as he recognized the dainty bat-like wings and the sound of your whimper moments before. He closed his eyes in frustration, shaking his head. This wasn't what he wanted you to see at all.

"Don't worry about it Elizabeth, I know who it was... Trust me they won't say anything,"

Back at the castle, you had sobbed in your shared bedroom. You stayed awake all night until it was past midnight, only then did you hear the setting footsteps of Meliodas on the next-door balcony. Your tears had irritated your (s/c) skin, and your lips were raw from the biting. You were done sobbing by the time he arrived only leaving behind the redness of your broken eyes.

You had changed from your war outfit to one of Zeldris' nightshirts. He was the one you ran into upon your arrival, stumbling into his bedroom by mistake. He didn't try prying it out of you when you told him something happened between you and Meliodas, knowing if you truly wanted to, you would explain everything. Instead, acting like the best friend he was to you, he told you to change out of your dirtied clothes and to wear one of his shirts since you wouldn't wear one of Meliodas'.

Nanatsu no Taizai One-shots!! Seven Deadly Sinsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن