Chapter 16

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Maria's POV

"So what's the plan Dom?" Brian asked

"Yeah, We can't just go sneaking around anymore." I shrugged sitting down next to Roman

"We don't sneak." Dom said  "The only thing he cares about is his money. We pull that, we pull him."

"Okay so what's the plan" Han asked

We gathered around the table and Dom started to work up a plan.

"Okay, Hobbs, Elena and Maria your going to need to drive with me and Brian to the station. Brian and I are going to follow behind. Everyone else you already know what your doing"

"Wait what do you mean" I asked him

"It'll all make sense soon Maria I promise" he said pulling me into a hug.

"You put me with the cops?" I laughed smirking slightly.

"Keep them in line" Dom smiled

We left the warehouse and got into our stations.

I walked towards the truck where Hanns and Elena were standing. Elena gave me a nervous smile which I returned happily. Hobbs opened the driver door and got into the car.

"Move over cop" I said securing my gun in my belt

"I'm driving" he smirked annoyingly

"Move over. I'd like to get out of this alive thank you very much" I said

"Make me" he said

"Okay" I said grabbing hold of his wrist and twisting it around his back. I took my gun out of my belt and cocked it. I laughed slightly, feeling him tense up.

"Alright alright" he said

"Great, let's get going" I said turning the keys and putting my foot down before Hobbs could even get into the car.

I drove towards the police station, checking that Brian and Dom were following closely behind.

There were several officers on the gate, armed with guns.

"Hey, little Toretto! Watch out for the-," Hobbs started

Without hesitation I drove straight through the barriers and straight through the brick wall.

"Holy shit, your fucking crazy" hobbs sighed

I jumped out of the truck and started shooting at the officers who had already left several dozen holes in the windshield.

Dom and Brian got out of their cars and started attaching the safe to the back of their cars. I had no idea if the ropes Would hold up .
Dom gave me a quick smile before getting back into his car.

Me, Hobbs and Elena kept up the defence while Dom and brain drove away.

The safe broke free from the wall, and Dom and Brian drove away, taking several chunk of the wall away with them.

There was another police officer coming reapers us, he was unarmed and tried to throw a punch with me.

I turned and gave him a roundhouse kick to the side. He fell on the floor in pain.

"Don't fucking move" I growled

"Now I know why Roman acts the way he does around you" Hobbs almost whispered

"Shut up" I said just want big to make sure my brother was going to be okay. " I don't need someone else following me around too"

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