Chapter 6

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The Plan

When the school bell rang me and Yari raced down the street to his house but instead of going inside this time we went around. When we crossed his backyard, I could see his father and mother knee deep in an argument. "Just ignore them, ok" Yari said to me as we "tip-toed" across the yard. I nodded in response and we reached the fence. I could see yari's father start to head over to the door when Yari held his hand down to lift me up. "Come on hurry up!" He whisperly shouted. As soon as we both landed over the other side of the fence we heard his father open the door and a whole other world of hatred and anger came out. "Let's move out," he whispered "Good idea," I said. We ran until we reached the river and walked down towards where we thought Bira was. About a couple minutes into the walk Yari started to talk about his parents, how his father would beat his mom and if he ever called the cops on him that he'd kill the both of them. That was the only thing stopping him from calling them on his father. We slowed down as the conversation went on, that's when Bira stepped away from behind a tree and said, "Well-"
"AAAAHHH!" Yari and I both jumped in fear when we heard Bria start to talk. "Bira! It's just Bira man..." Yari said in relief.
"We can't just let him do this to you after telling us this" she continued "I may or may not have a plan" she said as she pulled papers and colored markers out of her small backpack. "Bira, I don't want you to get hurt, please just-" She interrupted him with a fierce look in her eyes, "Just what? Let you get hurt even more?! No way! Ok, this is what we're going to do..."she paused and that's when my heart practically skipped a beat, she grabbed Yaris hand and told him not to worry. I mean it's not like I am jealous but still it brought a bitter feeling towards Yari. "Can we get on with the plan? Burning daylight out here people!" I said while slapping the back side of my hand to my other hand trying to get their attention. "Right..., so Yari is going to go home like normal. While he does that, me and Tori will wait here by this fence and make a hole big enough to fit a camera lens through but small enough so that you can't really see it. While we do that, just act like yourself pretty much through this whole operation, Yari, ok?"
"Yes mam!" He said saluting her
"Good, now when we are all set up we'll start to record. That's when I want you Yari to take the argument over where the camera can see by the back door. Then when we see them start to go at it, me and Tori will start to record then call the cops on him. When they arrive and they will, we'll show them the recording and prove to them that he's a criminal. They take him away and your father will never harm you or your mother again. With that being said, are there any questions? No? Good! Now, the sooner we set this plan into motion the better. Yari"
"Yah?" He said a little confused
"Time to arrest your father, all you have to do is try and get your father to have an argument with your mother by the back door" she said slowly for him to understand.
"Ok, if the plan doesn't work..." he looked up at Bira and hugged her "I just want you to know that you're the best girlfriend a guy could have!" Then ran off over the fence to his house. When that happened I wanted nothing more than to punch him and tell him to back off. And what did he mean by girlfriend?! Bira isn't his girlfriend...unless. "Ok, let's get to work" she said, interrupting my thought. I was glad that she did cause then I don't think I would be able to help with the plan. When I got down to her level she told me to start making a hole a little bit bigger than a quarter while she went back to her place to get the camera. I did as I was told, however my mind kept on playing that one scene of Bira holding hands with Yari and then Yari hugging her out of nowhere. I got so frustrated at the topic that I almost made the hole too big. When Bira arrived back from getting her camera she looked at the fence where the hole was. "Ok, thank you Tori, I think it will fit just fine..." she placed the camera lens in the hole and surprisingly it fit perfectly!

"Great! Now for the crucial part, making the image clear" she turned on the camera and looked at the display the camera was seeing. "Ok, we are all clear, everything is running smoothly...just gotta wait for Yari to get the argument going and then we are all set to call the cops" I was in awe as to how level headed she was. It seemed like yesterday she was too shy to even say the word foul when me and Yari would fight. "Hey uh Bira?"
"Yah?" She answered with her focus still on the image of her camera. I wanted to tell her about the weird feeling I have when I'm around her and the bitter feeling when she held Yari's hand, but I couldn't. Instead I said, "thank you for doing this for him" I said and put a hand on her shoulder. Her smile was all the acknowledgement that I needed from her. "Oh wait! I'm getting something..." My heart raced faster and faster with each second she did speak until, "Call them, call them now!" She said with a panicky voice.

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