Chapter 16

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For the past three days me and Yari have skipped coming to the creek and occasionally school for the party. We kept all of the decorations at home and asked Bira each day if her parents decided to change their minds but each day it was the same answer.

Finally the day came to set up the creek. Yari and I skipped classes again to get it ready before Bira came. We each grabbed a huge bag full of decorations and games to bring over to the creek.

"First we'll set up the balloons and then tape up the banners." I told Yari once we arrived

We started pulling out the balloons and Yari started climbing the trees. "Be careful to not pop the balloons!" I yelled as I passed a balloon up to him
"You got it!"

About an hour later and about an two hours worth of hard work, the creek was set.

"Time for part B of our plan" I said

Sorry to keep you out of what our plan was, I had told Yari this in the morning so that he wouldn't forget what to do 😅. Anyways, Yari is going over to our school to escort Bira to the creek while I go get the cake my mom helped us bake for her. Now back to the story...

I ran as fast as I could back home. "Gotta get the cake gotta get the cake" I kept on whispering to myself. I ran inside my house with my shoes still on and carefully picked up the heavy cake. I went as fast as I could back to the creek. I couldn't run or the cake would get all messed up. I saw a guy that looked like Yari and a girl right next to him that looked like Bira. Darn it! I told him to go slow!

As I picked up my pace, I saw the entrance of the fence grow closer. I waited over by a bush for the both of them to pass me so that Yari and I can get the cake safely over.

I waited there for a long time considering how close they were to the fence. I decided to leave the cake by the bush and go check on them.

Once I reached the side walk I heard Biras voice, she was talking so someone and begging for her to stay a little while longer. A mans voice spoke, "you will obey your mother's wishes and leave this wretched town along with those...boys of yours"
"They're my friends dad! Why are you being this way?" Bira shouted back
"Silence! I will not tolerate such behavior with my own daughter! You will move out with your family and that's final!". I heard a slap and then silence. I didn't know what to should I approach the situation?

'Ok know what you have to just do it...' I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and walked out onto the sidewalk. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Bira with her arm being held tightly by her father. Her father had a mean and furious look on his face.
"Tori!" Bira shouted
"Bira!" I shouted back
"This is one of the...boys you were talking about?!" Her father asked angrily.
"I am Bira's friend Tori sir. Me and Yari, your daughter's other friend, wanted to say our last good byes to her-"
"You already had your chance! She went to school today but her "friends" didn't show up" her dad interrupted
"Yes sir and for a rather good reason sir" I said, "you see, me and Yari...uh, me and Yari..."
"Me and Tori *pant* wanted to show Bira *pant pant* how much she means to us *pant* as a friend and to give her a day she'll never forget..." Yari finished.

"Sir, if you could. Please let us at least show her our hard work and appreciation of being her friend..." me and Yari pleaded. Her dad thought hard about his answer. "You have until we are done packing the car..." he said as he let Bira go.

"Thank you sir!" We bowed and ran immediately over to the fence taking the cake as well. When we reached the creek the first thing that we did was take the photo. That whole time we spent with her it was nothing but fun. Once we heard a car horn honk we brought out the canvas and made our promise.

"*sigh* I'm really gonna miss you guys..." she said with a sad face.
"We'll miss you too" I said as I went to hug her.
"The Trio...will have to breakup for now but will rejoice greatly when our bond has been reconnected!"'Yari said with a deep voice acting like a narrator.
"Yah..." Bira agreed.

We walked her to her car and watched as she drove off hoping and waiting for the day she comes back to us.

A few moments passed before Yari said, "you should have her"...

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