Chapter 7

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Stab wound

I did as she told me to but I was really worried about Yari. "Hello? 911? A friend of mine is being beaten up by his dad!"
"I need to know the address of the home sir"
I turned to Bira and asked her what was the address and she said, "It's 5489 Froudrin Street"
"5489 Froudrin Street" I repeated into the phone.
"Ok, police officers are on their way, what is the number on this phone that you are using?" Once again I turned towards Bira for the phone number and says, "(719)266-2837" I had repeated it to the phone and she said to wait there and to do nothing but wait for the officers. I went down to Biras level and I could tell that whatever she was seeing was horrible. Tears were running down her face and onto her dress. Her hair flowed gently down and over her shoulders. I didn't understand a woman's feelings at the time but I knew that she needed some comfort. I moved her hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. "Everything will be ok, the police are on their way" I told her to try and calm her down. I held out my hand for her to hold and she took it. We sat there waiting for the police to come and save our friend. We started to hear sirens..."They're here," Bira said and backed away from the camera as she leaned into me and closed her eyes. I started stroking her head and as I did, a small smile stretched across her face. It warmed my heart but it also made me nervous. The weird feelings that I had intensified when she laid on me and smiled. When we heard the back door open we both went to the camera and saw Yari. Bira then stood up and nearly knocked me over. She was so excited to see him again. "YARI!" She yelled while running to him. Her tears started to flow again but I'm sure that they were happy tears. When she hugged him he yelped in pain and she backed away... "Y-Y...." She held her hands to her face covering her mouth. Her breath was short stopped by the sight. As I got closer I saw what had happened... I rushed over to him threw my arm under his and carried him over to the front of the house as best I could. "HELP! HELP!" I shouted "SOMEONE! PLEASE!!" A police officer saw me with him and rushed over. "Is this the man's son?" He asked while pointing to his father. "Yes, he's badly injured, we have to take him to the hospital!" The officer spoke into his woki-toki and more officers came over. "This the boy?" They asked the other officer "Yes" he replied "Take him and go"
"Can I come too?!" I asked, not letting him go. The officers looked at each other and nodded in unison. "Ok" they said. We both got in the back of the police car and the officer took us to the hospital. When we got there they put Yari on a rolling bed and took him into a place where I could not go. I was worried for both of my friends . Yari most of all cause he was the one who was injured. Bira, I just hope that she doesn't blame herself for Yari's injuries. The officer who had taken us here told me to sit down and wait patiently for the doctor. "What's your name son?" He asked
"T-Tori," I said, a little shaken up.
"Tori, I need you to tell me where you live and your mother's name, ok?"
"I...I don't know..." I broke down in tears. My friend was going to die and it was all my fault!
"Tori, calm down for me please. I need you to tell me so that I can get you home. Your mother is probably worried sick"
"*sniff sniff* I...told my mom...that I *sniff*...would be home by...dinner time" I said as best as I could. "Her name is...Maria...her number is...(719)266-3487"
"Good job, now stay here and wait until I get back. Ok?" I nodded to show that I understood him.

When he came back he said that my mother was on her way here to the hospital. I just stared at the ground and thought of what I could have done to prevent what had happened to Yari.
"Are you Tori?" A man in a long, white, coat asked
"*sniff* yes"
"Your friend is going to be just fine. He's lucky that the stab wound wasn't big. The bruises on his body will heal with time. He's going to be sore for a while, but other than that, I need you to keep an eye on him for me ok?" Somehow, the doctor made me feel reassured that he was going to be ok and that...we saved him... After that my mom entered the hospital with a worried look on her face. The doctor asked if she was Yaris' mother. She told him that she was my mother but will look after Yari until his mother comes. The doctor asked if she knew Yari's mother and she said no and that she wished she did. Then the police officer came back, "M'am are you his mother?" he said as he pointed over in my direction.
"Can I talk to you in private?" He said motioning to the entrance. I don't know what they talked about but whatever it was, it made mother cry. But then she nodded her head and walked back to me. "Tori...I..." she paused and said, "There's something we need to discuss about your friend. This can wait until we get back to the house. You ok?" She asked while checking my body.

I nodded my head in response and she walked over to the doctor. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting to see my friend, the doctor called me over with my mom to see him. My heart thumped with each step, I wanted to see my friend and ask him so many questions. The doctor stopped by a wooden door and told us, "please enter quietly and do not touch him or the bed he's in without permission" then he opened the door.

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