Chapter 13

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Nobody answered... "YARI?! BIRA?!" I called out louder. Still no answer. I got up out of bed and looked all around the room. Nothing. I searched through the whole house calling their names as I did. I still couldn't find them. I decided to go back to the fort hoping they would be there and found both of them bleeding out. The sight of it made my stomach churn. "Yari! Bira!" I ran over to check on them and saw the wounds.
" gotta" Yari said in pain
"Run...and never look back..." Bira finished his sentence. All of a sudden I wanted out. I needed to get out. I wanted to get away from this. I turned to run out when a man standing in the door way blocked my path. "Where do you think you're going?" He said. I couldn't move. My body was frozen with fear. The man got closer and closer til he ran a knife into me. "TORI! Wake up man!"
"AAAAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed awake.
I looked all around. Yari put both his hands on my shoulders and asked, "man you ok?" Bira was behind Yari with a concerned look on her face. "Uh, yah" I said a bit shaken.

"Ok..." Yari went back to cleaning and Bira approached me.
"You sure you ok? " she said as she laid her hand on mine.
"Y-Yah" I answered
"You wanna talk about your dream over breakfast?" She asked
"*sigh* sure" I said trying to calm myself down.
She nodded her head and got back up.

With The Trio here at the table, and my mom gone for work, it was very awkward to talk about my dream. It was usually just me eating breakfast with nobody around. I had imagined my dad here before but that was a few years ago. "So you wanna start?" Bira asked
"Sure..." I had explained what I saw. Bira and Yari both telling me to leave and then the man in the doorway. The knife. Everything as best I could. As I told them their expressions switched from serious, to surprised, to sad throughout the conversation.
"I'm so sorry" Bira said as she hugged me.
"Nah it's fine" I said a little nervous
"Hey man, I'm alive and so is's ok" Yari said while Bira pulled away from me.

"Let's finish eating and clean up" I said
"You got it". As we cleaned, we started telling horrible dad jokes. When we were done we went back to the fort and me and Yari played thumb war since we couldn't wrestle. Bira as usual was the ref/mother while we played cause occasionally she'd remind Yari to not cheat or move too much.

"I'm home!" Mother called
"Welcome home Tori's mom!" They said. I gave my mom a hug followed by two other bodies right behind me.
"How was work?" Bira asked
"It was good. Bira, your mother will be here soon to pick you up. You should go get ready." my mon answered
"We'll go help!" I said grabbing Yari.

Bira packed lightly, she got her clothes and me and Yari folded her blankets and packed her pillow in her car. Her mother was polite and wore a suit when she picked her up. She talked with a business voice, like the ones that answer phones all day.

"Make sure you got everything Bira!" Her mom said
"Yes mother" she responded. She got into the car and waved good bye as she drove off.

"Admit it, she's beautiful..." Yari said once they were out of sight.
"Which one?" I asked cautiously
"Awe come on man there's only one that actually look fiiine" he said as we walked back in
"Man you're crazy" I said shaking my head. He nudge me with his elbow and whispered in my ear, "Bira man...I'm talking about her". Just then I wanted to tell him not to touched her or even talk to her. The fact that Bira even considers you man enough to protect her is so foolish.

"Man Bira is miiiine" I said copying the way he said fine.
"Ok fine, the first one to win Bira gets her" Yari said
"And the loser gets to choose which part he plays at the wedding" I added.
"Deal" we shook hands and went inside to play more thumb wars.

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