Chapter 8

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A new place

Seeing my friend with the breathing mask over his face and wearing pajama like clothes almost brought my steps to a cold stop. The constant beeping of the machine, and the irritating silence of the room caused my heart to skip a beat. My mom rubbed my shoulder urging me to move closer to his bed. "Hey buddy..." I started "We got him. The police have him in custody right now. And don't you worry about Bira. The police there will protect her." I wanted to hold his hand and make sure he was alive myself. I looked up at my mom and she asked the doctor if I could hold his hand for me.

"Tori, that's your name right?" The doctor asked
"Ok Tori, please, just be gentle"
I took a deep breath to calm myself down and stepped even closer to his bed. I placed my hand over his and a wave of relief came over me. "Bira, he's ok..." I said in my head hoping the message reached her. I walked back over to mom with my back to him. "Is that all I get?" No way...I turned right around and saw Yari wide awake! My eyes started to water and the doctor took off his mask off.

"Good morning Yari" he said
"Hey doc" he said with a smile "Tori? Man are you crying?"
"*sniff* no" I said trying to act manly which made Yari laugh.
"How's Bira? She ok?"
"Yah, the police at the sight should be taking care of her." I said
"Tori...can I have a word with Yari for a moment please? There's something that we need to discuss with him."
I looked over at him one last time before agreeing. I did leave the room, but I didn't agree to not eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Yari, your mother was beatup really badly." Mom started.
"I already know...heck, I was there..." Yari said
"With your father being in prison now not only for abuse but for man slaughter, I was thinking. Would you like to live with me and Tori?" 

I wanted to rush back into the room and hug my mom and Yari! I was so happy!

"Thank you so much Tori's mom!"
"Anything for my sons friend"
" can come back in now..." my mom called
"Yes mom?" I said trying my best not to show any excitement or the slightest clue of what my mom was about to tell me.

"Since Yari doesn't have a place to stay in, he's going to be staying with us! How does that sound?" I jumped and leaped for joy finally being able to release my energy. "Thank you thank you thank you mom!" I ran over to Yaris bedside and as gently as I could held his hand and thanked Yari for accepting the offer.

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