Chapter 14

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*Author's note: there will be a lot of time lapse because there isn't much that happens between now and the next chapter*

Winter break came and went and before we knew it Yari went back to school and things went almost back to normal. Almost. Ever since that deal me and Yari made, things between us got complicated. He'd put his arm around Bira but she'd run to me if she was crying or hurt. So I decided to have a one on one meeting with him after school. That was before we found out about what was going on with Bira. Lately, Bira hasn't been herself. She's been missing out on some school days, she hardly ever gets her answers right, and this one time when she actually showed up, she had a red hand mark across her face. I had pointed it out to Yari and he agreed that something wasn't right.
"Yari, we need to talk..."

As we walked home we discussed how we should go about it. Yari would ask how she's doing and how things are at home. Then I'd ask her when we'd hang out at the river. Who ever helped out Bira the most would end up spending a week with her at the river. Just him and Bira. And so the investigation began. As the days went on Yari would find somethings out and so would I. But when we talked about what she told us. Each story was different. One day, she told Yari that she got a new pet and her parents were making her do all of the chores for the pet. And when I asked her that same day she would say that she got a new job of pet sitting. It

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