chapter 7

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The next day we all woke up early and went to study together. The quidditch tryouts began at 1pm and Carlisle had promised to meet us to walk down to the pitch.

There was a lot of excitement in the air as people debated who would get chosen to form the new house teams. The biggest mystery was Hufflepuff. As it stood they had no team captain, Flynn Rappré had graduated last year and this left the spot open.

Quidditch was taken very seriously at Hogwarts and the competitiveness between houses always provided interesting entertainment for the school. Last year Gryffindor had come out top and although my own house was disappointed, I couldn't help but be happy for Carlisle, who had captured the winning golden snitch for his team.

The morning flew past in a flurry of books and assignments; eventually Carlisle came to find us in the hall before we trekked down to the stadium together.

When we arrived,several candidates were standing in their house groups on the grass below.

Evelyn hugged Carlisle and I kissed him on the cheek swiftly, "good luck! You're going to do great."

He smiled at me in thanks before running off to stand with the Gryffindors. Most of them had been in the team last year and I estimated there wouldn't be much change.

I looked down towards the Hufflepuff group, recognising Max and Alastair. To my surprise, they were stood with Cedric. He was dressed in the Hufflepuff quidditch uniform too and I realised he was here to tryout with everyone else.

I wondered what position he was hoping for as we took our seats in the spectating area. A lot more girls were here to watch than in previous years, and it was not hard to guess who they'd come to support.

Madam Hooch stepped forward on the grass and began to speak in a clear strong voice, "welcome everyone. I hope you are ready for a hard afternoon of tryouts. To be a true quidditch player you must show skill, determination and most of all you must be fearless. This is a dangerous sport and not one to be engaged with lightly. If you think it isn't for you then take your leave now." She paused, giving the groups a chance to escape, but everyone remained.

"I am merely here to observe and referee of course. The team captains are responsible for choosing their players. Hufflepuffs, as your captain has graduated, I will choose for you and assign a new captain today." Everyone nodded at this, happy with the terms, and so she clapped her hands swiftly, indicating the tryouts had begun.

For the next hour and a half we watched in awe as the players fought and flitted around the pitch, each attempting to prove their place on their team. A couple of them became injured and had to be taken to the hospital wing to be treated by Madam Pomfrey.

For the most part, I observed Carlisle. He was correct that no one else was trying out for Gryffindor's seeker, but they wouldn't have stood a chance if they had. His summer practice paid off and he was now faster and sharper than last year. He flew through the air with ease, dipping and ducking between obstacles as he chased a snitch.

Max and Alastair also did great at being chasers, scoring several goals, and it was obvious they would make the Hufflepuff team.

What I hadn't prepared for was how good Cedric would be. He was going for the position of seeker and I was on the edge of my seat as he raced around the stadium. He didn't have to fly for long before he caught the snitch, as if they were attracting magnets. He flew with such a level of grace and I couldn't recall having ever seen someone so comfortable on a broomstick. Even Madam Hooch was impressed as she quickly scribbled on her clipboard upon observing him.

Evelyn leaned over to me, "he's insanely good right? He must've played a lot in Canada. He's going to be seeker for sure."

I nodded in response, she was probably right. None of the other guys could compare to his pace. I wondered if Carlisle had noticed. If Cedric made it as seeker, they would be going head-to-head in matches. The thought made me nervous for some reason I couldn't explain.

When the time was finally up, each captain stepped forward and read off their list. I clapped and cheered loudly as Carlisle was announced for the position of Gryffindor seeker and he smiled up at me.

They announced Ravenclaw and Slytherin next and we watched as some people celebrated and others slumped in disappointment.

Then Madam Hooch cleared her throat to announce the Hufflepuff lineup. Max and Alastair made it as chasers and I watched as they man-hugged.

"As for the position of seeker... that goes to Cedric Diggory! And I am appointing him as the Hufflepuff captain for the year." Hooch said, her words echoing into the shocked silence.

Maisie squealed to my right, gripping my arm in excitement, "captain?? That's crazy! She must think he is really good to give him that."

"It would seem so" I stated. Hooch was rarely one to bestow rewards lightly, perhaps she knew something we did not.

The girls around us screamed and clapped for him. Slowly the crowd began to disperse, making their way back to the castle. Evelyn asked me if I was coming with them but I told her I had promised to wait for Carlisle.

"I'll meet you guys back in the common room" I called and the girls waved goodbye.

I waited at the top of the steps for five minutes whilst the guys changed but Max, Alastair and Cedric came out first.

Max ran up the steps when he saw me, "did you see that? I was totally awesome! These bad boys paid off." He kissed his biceps dramatically and I laughed before high-fiving and congratulating him.

"Yeah yeah, you'll never be quite as good as me though you dweeb" Alastair yelled at Max from the bottom of the steps. Max turned and ran towards him, attempting to jump on his back as he forced an apology out of him. They scrapped for a while, fighting to hold one another in headlocks.

Cedric chuckled slightly at them but then turned towards me. Before I could register what he was doing, he walked up the steps until he was on my level and I looked up, forcing my eyes scan his face.

I admired his perfect bone structure and mentally cursed as I acknowledged how flawless he looked. The events of the last hour and a half hadn't even registered on his face, he appeared completely rested.

For the first time I could see his eyes close up. They were a much lighter blue than mine and I  couldn't help leaning into them as I registered the small flecks of green. His gaze bore into me, holding an intensity I couldn't put my finger on. I suddenly felt transparent, like a glass panel that he was looking right through.

He was definitely even better looking up close, if such a thing were possible.

He held out his hand for me to shake before introducing himself, "I'm Cedric."

I slowly took his hand and it felt so soft as it wrapped around mine. I tried to ignore the tingling running up my arm as I spoke, "I'm Lila."

"Dark beauty", he whispered and squeezed my hand gently.

I inhaled sharply as I realised he was referring to meaning of my name.

The magical community didn't typically engage in name meanings, it was a very muggle concept, but my father and mother had an interest in it and named me purposefully. I was surprised at Cedric knowing this and regarded him curiously.

"Kind and loved" I whispered back, acknowledging the meaning of his name in return.

He smiled at me and I felt his eyes trace my face. I suddenly became aware that we were still holding hands. We stared at one another as an unspoken transaction seemed to pass between us.

Before either of us could speak again, Max and Alastair came running up the stairs, breaking the moment. I pulled my hand away quickly before they noticed, slightly embarrassed that I was practically gawking at the new boy.

Max clapped Cedric on the back, "come on captain, let's go back to the common room. I bet the group can't wait to hear the results."

Cedric nodded and they began to depart up the hill. Max and Alastair waved goodbye at me as they headed towards the castle, practically running up the hill.

I stared at them dumbfounded as they climbed towards the trees. Cedric turned at the last second and we locked eyes again, a fleeting moment of contact before he continued walking.

I stood there dazed and blinking hard.

Holy shit.

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