Like A Boss

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Grammar mistakes yup -

My boss was one of the firsts to figure something out. My work ethic took a nose dive as I struggled to maintain my secret non-boyfriend and maintain, well, a life.

A few months later and after just a few more calls in during lunch - I was overwhelmed. I was behind, way behind in my work - and for the first time ever I had to tell him no. I was nervous - to say the least.

I sent him a message and turned all my focus to work. I would work through my lunch break and mainly CATCH UP.

He seemed understanding, and that made me feel a bit better.

15 minutes into my lunch break - my door opened. My boss who normally is quiet and respectful - barged into my office eyes wide like a deer in headlights upon seeing me at my desk. She had ear phones in and was mid chewing when she stopped all and swallowed her unchewed bite.

"Oh ..." She said my name and was so embarrassed she wouldn't look at me. "I was heading to my appointment and waa going to grab your paper files." She smiled largely and nodded as if it was perfectly acceptable for my pregnant boss to be picking up my own slack. I felt bad. Immediately heart broken that I had done this and now my bad behavior has trickled down and MY OWN BOSS was secretly helping.

"Oh, I'm not taking a lunch today, it's ok." I smiled at her hoping she wouldnt press. Her smiling face turned into pregnant concern as she sat in my chair and looked at me sternly.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "I've noticed you call in at lunches recently." She explained and I huffed internally. The thought had never crossed my mind about my boss being worried about me, and as I sat there I felt about 2 inches tall. "Everything alright?" She asked again when I didn't speak.

"Yes maam." I said nervously, looking at my hands quickly. "I just have a lot going on." I again, horribly explained.

"If you need some time off, just let me know." She said sweetly when she realized she was getting no information from me. I didn't need time off, I need to be avaliable at his beckon call and I sure as hell couldn't tell her that.

"I've..." i began to speak but choked up, looking away nervously once her eyes found mine again. "I've been dating an idol." My mind jumbled with ideas and that is what came out. I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest, nerves and anxiety rising as I waited for my fate.

"Oh?" She asked, a small smile forming at her lips. "Dating an idol. Wow." She breathed out without laughing. I couldnt tell of she was truly shocked or though I was lying. "Not what I was expecting, but go on."

Oh. I was supposed to tell her more?

She crossed her legs and waited for my answer.

"That's about it." I awkwardly laughed. "We are just seeing a lot more of eachother now." I lazily scratched my arm as it became increasingly awkward for me to look at her. "It's very hard and very new." I smiled at her with a satisfactory nod.

"I take it he is the reason for the new time sheets I receive for you?" She asked with a smile. I smiled but quickly removed it when I remembered this was not a happy time.

"Yes. I apoligize." I apoligized to the floor. I lifted my head, disbelief in my eyes that this was even happening. This wasn't me.

"Well, I tell you what." She stood slowly, more slowly than most and again I had to hide my smile. She wasn't visibly pregnant yet, but she was on the brink. "Go home and figure out what you need from me."

"What?" I asked confused as she tried to break a break for it. "No, I have too much-"

She cut me off with a quick snap of my name. My eyes came to hers in the second, myself feeling hot and again 2 inches tall.

"Nonsense." She said sweetly and for some reason Infelt relief. She wanted to help - whatever help I needed. "Finish it tomorrow." She instructed. "Don't go to his place or wherever, go home and figure out what you need. Work from home?" She asked. "Half day and work from home?" She asked herself in a quirky manner. "Figure it out." She said seriously and professionally, and with a quiet click of my door she was off.

I let out a loud breath, my cheeks filling with air as I looked around.

What the hell just happened?


I sat at home alone, as instructed by the boss, at my dining room table with a pencil in hand, lead on a blank sheet of paper.

What did I need? I kept asking myself. Needed Food. Money. Clothes. House. I had everything I needed except for him.

Was he something I needed? Was I something he needed?


I wrote on the list. I flipped the penicl back and forth quickly creating a beat.


I wrote because we never had enough. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes... the pencil stilling automatically.

I had it. I was a genius.

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