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Grammar mistakes


The next morning; a super rare occurence - we were both able to sleep in. Him much more so than me.

I woke up a little later than normal, it was almost 8am. He however was sleeping like a rock. I gently nudged trying to wake him, and tickled him to no avail.

I eventually got up, used the restroom and trudged to the kitchen to make some coffee. Now that I knew how to use it my walk down the hall was a little prouder. I found a cup, made my coffee, and while I sipped it, and warmed my hands I paced slowly in front of his bedroom door having no idea what to do.

I eventually entered the room, eyeing the undisturbed lump of blankets as I casually took my time and walked around his room. More pictures, memories, all sorts of things.

My eyes fell upon the cracked bathroom door and I wondered if I should take a shower quickly before he woke up. 20 minutes later, I took a shower.

He was still asleep when I opened the makeshift steam sauna bathroom, releasing the steam into his bedroom to evaporate in seconds. I whispered his name as I tip toed past his bed again, the lump still in the same position. I made another cup of coffee.

I wasn't much of a social media person but I used this time to get on Facebook, watch some TikTok's, and check my email. I made a quick peek into my work email for pre preparation of the next work day and eventually propped up my feet lost in hilarious Facebook videos.

I think my giggling might have stirred him in his sleep. He moved slightly, the covers uncovering him as his sleepy form asked what time it was.

"It's almost 10." I whispered to him behind my phone. "Good morning, you want some coffee?"

"No, I want to go back to bed." He whined as he rolled onto his stomach and turned his head to look at me. "Are you dressed?" He asked, blinking his eyes after finding me with my clothes on.

"Yes." I said slowly moving to sit on the bed. "You need to get up and get dressed too." I encouraged, patting the blanket on his back twice.

"Says who?" He laughed, muffled by the pillow.

"Um says me." I laughed pointing at myself. I threw myself on the bed beside him, him cuddled up under the covers with only his head visible. I used my finger to gently push his hair out of his face; he closed his eyes and allowed me to continue.

"That tickles." He squirmed, sending his shoulder to stop my finger from tickling his neck and behind his ear. "No, keep doing it." He shook his body once I stopped and I giggled, continuing to finger his hair.

"You went back to sleep." I whispered. Seconds later he slowly smiled.
His eyes barely opened.

"Did not." He grinned with his eyes shut. He stretched and yawned, I moved back to the chair and sat to drink my coffee. It was almost empty but I wouldn't tell the half naked man that as I watched him from the corner.
He was funny in the morning.

Adorably... morning like. He entered his magazine worthy closet and returned with some clothes, moving about as if I wasn't in the room. Went to the restroom, and changed clothes as he sat on the bed after I confirmed I had not seen "his green shirt." Um, did he check his green section in his closet?

He had already decided to order for breakfast and once we ordered he ran over his plans. There was a tour coming up; something very new to me and yet very familiar to him. What I learned was things will be crazy for a week, he would leave for 3 months, and come back.

This would be the first real test of our weird little relationship; and I failed miserably.

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