Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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Grammar mistakes and sex, what more could you ask for?

The morning went fine, I called in via text, made breakfast, made his bed and even took a shower. Thankfully that was the only friend visit of that time and emerged from my shower and wrapped my hair, putting on the shirt he didn't like from yesterday. I walked to the living room to find him to ask for some type of pants and he had already begun the signing of the pictures.

"Whoa." I said amazed, as it was truly a sight to see. He had signed quite a few already.

"Hey." He smiled at me, his eyes never leaving the paper he was signing.

"Can I borrow some sweatpants?" I asked, pleading with my hands as well.

"No pants." He said flatly then paused to look at me. "Pants free area." He motioned around tbe table with a whisper and I rolled my eyes moving to sit at the table. "I need you to sit there." He instructed pointing across from him. "Then once I sign... move it to this stack." He motioned and demonstrated my newly assigned job.

"Got it." I agreed, placing a hand on the non signed stack. "Wait." I looked under the table and came back with a unfair look. "Um, you have pants on."

"I don't count." He responded.

"Clearly." I moved my first picture down and he looked at me quickly before signing.

He was fast at this. I could not keep up.

I ended up taking over his other non signing job, both of hands in use as I moved the picture, waited for him to sign and moved it to the finished stack, thus repeating the process with my other hand.

"Doesn't your hand hurt?" I whispered to him, being extra careful not to disturb his process.

"Not yet." He laughed a bit. "You're doing a great job."

"I know." I chimed highly, smiling once he glanced at me with his own smile.

"How often do you do this?" I asked.
He took a deep breath, signing two before he answered.

"Every few months." He sighed. "Normally my mom helps me." He stopped to look at me, the pen resting above the paper. "Faster." His face changed back into serious mode as my smiling was causing myself to slack in my picture moving abilities.

It took almost two hours. We talked about a lot of various things. He told me all about the day the picture was taken. What was going on, who was doing what, who was mad at who. He hated his shirt. This was the last outfit of the day. He told me about his neighbor Jooheon and how he loved living in these apartments.

He just... talked. I was loving it. Sometimes I would ask questions, but mostly I just concentrated on my current helpful job and listened. He had a lot on his plate.

"There's probably 20 left!" He screeched excitedly, his feet hitting the ground and he clicked the end of his sharpie marker repeatedly.

"Lets go!" I jabbed my finger at the paper and became to end is near cheerleader. "19!" I yelled at the next one and his laughter erupted through the room.

"1!" I yelled, though we still had a few in the stack. "1.5, 1.5!" I yelled, and he signed his name with such concentration his tongue was out. Once I lifted the final print his eyes grew ten times in size. "Last one!" I clapped quietly as he signed it, his eyes coming to mind and a heartwarming smile formed on his face. I returned the smile sitting back in my chair.

"Do you need water? Ice for your hand?" I asked suddenly in concern as I sat up. "Do you need anything?"

"Just for you to come here." He moved his finger slowly for me to come to the other side of the table and my ovaries jolted as I stumbled around.

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