Move Along

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My boss had returned from maternity leave and I was actually at work sitting at my desk. It wasn't too long after we had met eachothers family a little before my own birthday - he started acting a little strange.

I felt like I had my two separate words sort of managed. Both lives were fantastic, boss lady was back from maternity leave and I was at the office working.

A small commotiom outside jerked my eyes to the source and I as I stood at my doorframe watching everyone chit chat and ooh, and aaw... I asked someone walking by.

"Hey, what is going on?" I asked, pointing to the people.

"There is a helicopter on the roof." He answered, walking away.

I thought someone was hurt.

"What?" I asked myself then looked at my coworkers. "Is everything ok? The copy kid just told me there is a helicopter on the roof!" I laughed trying to suddenly interject myself into my coworkers conversation.

"Yeah, Millie said it was a BigHit helicopter." She said as a picture of the only person I knew from this BigHit she spoke of flashed through my mind. "It's been there for 37 minutes."

"What?" I laughed seconds later my brain in a circled mush. "Where's Millie?" I asked, not seeing her but needing some vision confirmation.

"Where do you think Millie is?" Someone answered, trying to make a joke but I didn't care.

I, as naturally as I could, laughed twice and got the fuck out of there.

I was not inconspicuous. I ran to my phone, my hands shaking, hearing buzzing, vision blurring and heart in my stomach as I picked up my phone and prayed it was not him.

The crinckle of an overhead speaker signified an announcement.... and I froze lifting my head - my eyes watching the speaker on my ceiling.

I heard him laugh in the background before my boss boss began to speak. It was a quiet laugh - it made me smile that my boss had probably done something stupid.

"Shit!" I yelled, looking for a place to hide. "Shit, shit, shit." I had no place inside my office - I looked to my door. I needed to flee.

"I need .... to my office." She said and the speaker went off.

"Fuck!" I screamed loudly grabbing my hair and rubbing my face. I grabbed my purse and entered the hallway.

The second I opened my door - they were staring at me. Everyone's eyes on me as I walked holding my purse like someone would steal it.

"Oh my gosh-" Millie gushed to me, holding me as I walked and I saw my first glimpse of what they go through. "Who is it? Why are they here?" She asked a bazillion questions.

"I don't know Millie." I laughed and she latched on tighter to me. She hyperventillated by my side as silence and stares and faint whispers were heard by the elevator.

I couldn't believe this. I was angry. This was too far, he had no right to come to my work and talk to my boss? I sighed as my work came crashing down Millie's smile annoying me and I flung my purse over my shoulder watching the elevator ticket signal my elevator was here.

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