Going Away to College

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Months passed before the mistake was made. The one tiny wrong decision that would ultimately collide with the world; an explosion no one saw coming.


It was a normal request, to a normal person. He forgot his phone. I was to bring the phone to him.

So I waited in my car, my hair up in a loose bun that was probably the start of my problems. I should have shaved it off. I was parked like I always was, hidden and inconspicuous, singing along to the song on the radio while I watched two birds apparently fight to the death over a McDonald's french fry.

The door opened and he climbed into my front seat, sweaty and smelling horrible as he attacked my neck with his lips once the door was closed.

"Gross!" I laughed, trying to push him away but his slick arm made it hard. "Gross." I said again as he grinned, myself wiping his saliva off my skin.

"What?" He laughed, licking his lips and leaning back against the door.

"I know they have showers!" I laughed pointing at the building. "You've come home with wet hair before."

"Are you wet?" He whispered, inches from me with another smirk.

"Not anymore." I winked and kissed his lips quickly. He fakely scoffed, eagerly running his eyes over me and I wondered if he was on drugs. Maybe they just drugged them, he was just way too happy.

"Well that can change." He smiled, licking his lips to kiss my neck, after contact I pushed him back again.

"Here is your phone." I handed the phone and he rolled his eyes and threw it lazily into the backseat.

"I have like 4 of those stupid things."

"...!" I laughed his name as I unbuckled and leant to get the phone. "No!... Aah!" He tickled and that buckled my elbow, and I went careening into the backseat face first. "Oh my gosh!" I laughed as he giggled landing awkwardly onto me.

"...!" I laughed his name out again, as he kissed me. His hands grasped my head covering my ears, gluing a strand of hand awry. "You're crazy." I whispered.

"Muah, gotta go now." He kissed my lips quickly and his hands left my ears as he made his escape out of my backseat.

"Oh my gosh." I laughed at the situation of being alone in my backseat hot and suddenly bothered by the boy who left me this way. I climbed into the front seat, and there was his phone.

Sitting in my drivers seat, I grabbed it as I reclimbed into the seat, opening the door and running after him.

"Hey!" I was careful not to say his name, but I whispered yelled just in case. He turned quickly and his large smile returned as he grinned and began walking towards me. "Your phone!" I out stretched my arm with the phone towards him, he slowly jogged up and met me with a grab of the phone slash hug.

"Thank you my love." He said and turned the other way, heading for the entrances to his building. I did the same, turning promptly and walking as fast as I could with a small smile on my face.


I had approximately 4 hours.

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