How you kiss (Girls)

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Mal- Mal kisses you hesitantly but then with more confidence after a while. She reminds you of a dragon sometimes because she kissed you fierce fully when around others, as if trying to ward them off. She was like Carlos where she didn't have much experience. However, that didn't stop her from kissing you. It came almost naturally although she thinks that's because it's you, she's kissing.

Evie- Evie kissed you delicately and sweetly. This was part due to her childhood where she was told that she had to be sweet in order to get a prince. However, when she was feeling possessive or she was annoyed, she would kiss you with more force and passion. This was because she needed reassurance that you were hers and that you were still there.

Lonnie- Lonnie kisses like she fights, passionately and precise. Whilst she wasn't the most experienced, she was more experienced than some of the others. Every kiss was slightly different depending on the situation. If it was to go to class, it was quick but loving. If you weren't going to each other for a while it was longer and more passion filled but no less loving.

Audrey- Audrey kisses you like a princess, softly and lovingly. She likes giving kisses all around you face, not just your lips. It wasn't unusual for her to kiss your forehead or your cheek instead of your lips. However, there was another side of Audrey only you know about. After a stressful day or when she is jealous, she would kiss you more forcefully and passionately as if to let you know that you are hers.

Jane- Jane, like her personality, kisses sweetly and slowly. She shows all her emotion in her kiss's ad prefers to take her time. She is also inexperienced so she prefers to go at a slower pase, but you didn't mind. The only time she would kiss more forcefully is when she is jealous or when you are in private as she prefers to keep you affection away from other.

Uma- Uma kisses you forcefully but sweetly. When in public, she prefers to not kiss you often purely because your relationship was yours and no one else's. She kisses like this because she is a captain and prefers to be in control, so she can decide how far you go and how long you kiss for. In private however, she likes it when you take control because it takes her out of her mind for a while. Similar to this, she will kiss you more lovingly because no one will be staring.  

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